
September 28th , 2024


Cray Vi

11 months ago

GHANA 1957

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11 months ago

Ghana, nation of western Africa, arranged on the shore of the Inlet of Guinea. Albeit somewhat little in region and populace, Ghana is one of the main nations of Africa, part of the way in view of its significant regular riches and part of the way since it was the principal dark African country south of the Sahara to accomplish autonomy from pioneer rule.

Ghana the Akosombo Dam and covers around 3,275 square miles (8,500 square km). Along the north and south, and somewhat along the west, the elevated edges of the bowl lead to limit levels somewhere in the range of 1,000 and 2,000 feet (300 and 600 meters) high, lined by noteworthy scarps. The most extraordinary are the Kwahu (Mampong) Scarp (see Kwahu Level) in the south and the Gambaga Scarp in the north.

Encompassing the bowl on its sides, besides in the east, is all the analyzed Precambrian peneplain, which ascends to rises of 500 to 1,000 feet above ocean level and contains a few particular reaches as high as 2,000 feet.

Along the eastern edge of the Voltaian Bowl, and stretching out from the Togo boundary to the ocean promptly west of Accra, is a thin zone of collapsed Precambrian rocks running upper east to southwest, framing the Akwapim-Togo Reaches, which differ in rise from 1,000 to 3,000 feet (300 to 900 meters). The most noteworthy focuses in Ghana are tracked down there, including Mount Afadjato (2,903 feet [885 metres]), Mount Djebobo (2,874 feet [876 metres]), and Mount Torogbani (2,861 feet [872 metres]), all arranged east of the Volta Waterway close to the Togo line. These reaches are essential for the Togo-Atakora Mountains, which expand toward the north into Togo and Benin.

The southeastern corner of the country, between the Akwapim-Togo Reaches and the ocean, comprises of the tenderly moving Accra Fields, which are underlain by the absolute most established Precambrian rocks known — for the most part gneisses (coarse-grained rocks in which groups containing granular minerals substitute with groups containing micaceous minerals); in places they transcend the surface to frame inselbergs (conspicuous steep-sided slopes left after disintegration). The main broad areas of youthful shakes not exactly around 136 million years of age are in the wide, tidal pond bordered delta of the Volta, around 50 miles (80 km) east of Accra, and in the super southwest of the country, along the Axim coast.

In the east the dominating rocks are under 65 million years of age, however there is a fix of Cretaceous residue (around 65 to 145 million years of age) close to the Ghana-Togo line. Toward the west of Axim, close to the Côte d'Ivoire outskirts, the stones date to the Cretaceous Time frame. The interceding seaside zone among eastern and western limits contains patches of Devonian residue (around 360 to 415 million years of age). With the more seasoned and more safe rocks of the Precambrian peneplain, these structure a low, beautiful shore of sandy coves and rough projections.

The waste framework is overwhelmed by the Volta Stream bowl, which incorporates Lake Volta and the Dark Volta, White Volta, and Oti waterways. The majority of different streams, like the Pra, the Ankobra, the Tano, and various more modest ones, stream straightforwardly south into the sea from the watershed framed by the Kwahu Level, what isolates them from the Volta waste framework. South of Kumasi, in the south-focal piece of the nation, is Ghana's just evident regular lake — Bosumtwi — lying in a shooting star influence hole and with next to no outlet to the ocean. Along the coast are various tidal ponds, the vast majority of them shaped at the mouths of little streams.

Over a large part of the outer layer of Ghana, the stones are endured, and extraordinary spreads of laterite (red, drained, iron-bearing soil) and lesser spreads of bauxite and manganese are tracked down on the level highest points of slopes and mountains. Albeit the developments of Earth's outside that delivered the fundamental geologic design of the nation have now practically stopped, intermittent tremors happen, particularly close to Accra along the eastern foot of the Akwapim-Togo Reaches, where there is a significant separation point.

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Cray Vi

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