
September 16th , 2024



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11 months ago

The WAEC website was restored following a hack.

The West Africa Examination Council's (WAEC) official website,, has been restored following a compromise by purported Indonesian cybercriminals.

On Monday, October 16, 2023, learned that WAEC's website had been compromised. As seen in the image below, all educational content on the website was removed and replaced with gaming stuff.

A similar problem occurred in 2017 when all instructional materials were substituted with different materials prior to the results being announced.

False results have been uploaded to our servers after one of our systems was breached. Our cyber security team is actively addressing the matter," the alleged management statement said.

The WAEC website was restored following a hack.

The WAEC technical team has restored all of the website's content. Now, everything is back to normal on the website.

Marking of the BECE and WASSCE scripts for 2023 is currently underway. The outcomes will soon be made public. Two weeks will pass during the marking procedure, as specified in the schedule. This means that on Monday, October 23, 2023, the BECE scripts for 2023 will be fully marked.  Examiners will use their experience to evaluate the papers that the 600,714 candidates who took part in the exam submitted during this time.

The 2033 BECE grading scheme is shown below.

1. A score of 90–100 equals 1. In the grading system, it is the HIGHEST grade.

The second category in this classification, 2. 80-89, is marked as HIGHER and is evaluated as 2, GRADE A.

3. 70–79 is classified as HIGH, a B+ grade.

Grade 4 is graded B, or HIGH AVERAGE, from 60 to 69.

5. The GRADE C+, 5 classification, and AVERAGE description apply to 55–60.

6. LOW AVERAGE, or number 6 in the grading system, describes grades that range between 50–54 and GRADE C.

7. Any score in the range of 40 to 49 is categorized as LOW and is assigned a grade of D+.

8. 35–39 is GRADE E, or number 8, in the Stanine grading system, which is referred to as LOWER.

9. GRADE F, where 9 is the LOWEST grade and ranges from 0 to 34.

WAEC occasionally grades BECE using the Stanine system. Because it is norm-referenced, the architecture of the outcome is predetermined. The percentage of candidates who will receive Grades 1 through 9 is essentially set under Stanine, therefore you must provide evidence to support your inclusion in that range.

Date of Release: 2023 for BECE and WASSCE
The results of the 2023 BECE are anticipated to be made public in late November or early December of that year. The WASSCE results are anticipated to be made public at the same time.

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Ayindenaba Wisdom


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