
June 1st , 2024


Collins Parker

7 months ago


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7 months ago

The Ministry of National Security and the Ghana Armed Forces last Saturday restored calm to Garu in the Upper East Region following a special joint operation which led to the retrieval of weapons used in a recent attack by an irate youth in the town. The operation also led to the apprehension of those responsible for the violent assault on some security operatives who were deployed to quell the disturbances. “The meticulously executed operation proved highly successful as the threats in Garu were effectively neutralised”.

“The perpetrators responsible for the aggression were captured, and the weapons used in the attack were retrieved.

Through these decisive actions, peace has been successfully restored to the area,” sources at the National Security Ministry disclosed. The sources commended the national security apparatus for demonstrating its readiness to avert terrorism in the country by quelling the revolt by the irate youth in Garu in the Upper East Region last week.

The rapid response was in reaction to an invasion by a group of young men armed with AK-47 rifles, machetes and other weapons who besieged a team of security operatives deployed by the Ministry of National Security for a critical counter-terrorism operation.

The situation escalated into a violent attack as the armed men opened fire on the officers, who had properly introduced themselves as security operatives, compelling them to seek refuge at the Garu Police Station. The assailants persistently encircled the station and intensified their assault.

However, the timely intervention of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) led to the evacuation of the National Security personnel.

“The joint operation is a testament to Ghana's robust security architecture, highlighting its rapid responsiveness and steadfast dedication to preserving stability.

“It also serves as an assurance from the government that stringent measures will be implemented to ensure the safety of security personnel and the populace, while maintaining the rule of law,” the sources added.

The sources said the security apparatus recognised the gravity of the youth group’s assault and unequivocally condemned any acts intended to intimidate or inflict harm on officials of security and intelligence agencies.

“Such actions significantly hinder the agencies' pivotal role in ensuring the peace and stability of Ghana,” they stressed.

The sources strongly denounced deliberate acts that jeopardise the lives of security personnel, while reiterating the ministry's dedication to foster citizen involvement in upholding national peace and stability.

Safeguarding lives

While investigations into the incident are ongoing, the Ministry of National Security said it was resolute in its determination to safeguard the nation against security threats in the future.

The government owes it a duty to safeguard the lives of security personnel committed to defending the people and the territorial integrity of Ghana.

The Garu incident, therefore, is a good reminder of the need for decisive steps to avert such scourges. 

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Collins Parker


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