
June 28th , 2024



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Downloading an app such as GPS Emulator on the Google Play Store will be more than enough to hide or fake your GPS location. With this app, you can change your location to anywhere in the world as long as it's active. It does have ads if you're not subscribed, so that's something to be aware of if you're not a fan of seeing them everywhere. Using this app will let you fool apps that use your location, like "Pokémon GO" or If you're using a GPS spoofer for things like that, then there's not much you can ask for.

If you don't like the way GPS Emulator works or if it's too invasive with the ads, there are a few alternatives. You can opt for Mock Locations or Fake GPS locationfor the same results. You're bound to find something you like, and each one of these apps can be set up rather quickly. You will potentially run into issues with apps seeing through the spoof, and there's really not a whole lot you can do to prevent that from happening outside of trying other apps.

Whatever your reason, it's a simple process to do.

How to do it

The easiest way to fake your GPS location on Android is to download an app.

There are many apps available, but they all work similarly. You'll need to enable "Developer options" on your phone first.

  1. To do this, go to Settings > About phone and tap the "Build number" 7 times.
  2. Once you've done that, go back to Settings and tap System > Developer options.

Scroll down and enable the "Allow mock locations" option.

Now you can download an app like GPS Emulator from the Google Play Store.

Once you've installed the app, open it and tap the "Select mock location app" button.

Select the app you just installed and then tap the "Play" button.

Your phone's GPS location will now be set to the location that you selected in the app.

Things to keep in mind

Some apps may be able to detect that you're faking your GPS location. If this happens, you may need to try a different app.

Make sure to disable the mock location app when you're not using it. This will help to preserve your battery life.

Be aware that faking your GPS location can be a violation of the terms of service for some apps

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