
July 27th , 2024



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Crispen — Image: Instagram/Crispen_Music

Ghanaian-based Zimbabwean and Sky Entertainment signee, Crispen, has shared his experience and growth in living and working in Ghana as compared to Zimbabwe.

Speaking with Doreen Avio on Daybreak Hitz, the singer explained how much his moving to Ghana has impacted his music journey positively.

He said, “It was very interesting. I had the chance to learn from Kuami Eugene and a few artistes from Ghana and it has been an insight into so many things I never knew.“

The artiste disclosed that, back in Zimbabwe, it was so hard that there was no or little support as compared to working in Ghana for just a year.

He added that he has learnt so much about music in Ghana and is satisfied with his progress here because it is taking off, relative to his music journey in Zimbabwe.

The singer also added that his stay in Ghana has also influenced his choice of music, as he used to be an R&B artiste but is now fusing the genre into Afro-fusion.

“I like challenging myself and learning new things,” he said.

Crispen is currently promoting his new Afro-fusion song ‘Happiness’.

He added that he has learnt so much about music in Ghana and is satisfied with his progress here because it is taking off, relative to his music journey in Zimbabwe.

The singer also added that his stay in Ghana has also influenced his choice of music, as he used to be an R&B artiste but is now fusing the genre into Afro-fusion.

“I like challenging myself and learning new things,” he said.

Crispen is currently promoting his new Afro-fusion song ‘Happiness’.

He added that he has learnt so much about music in Ghana and is satisfied with his progress here because it is taking off, relative to his music journey in Zimbabwe.

The singer also added that his stay in Ghana has also influenced his choice of music, as he used to be an R&B artiste but is now fusing the genre into Afro-fusion.

“I like challenging myself and learning new things,” he said.

Crispen is currently promoting his new Afro-fusion song ‘Happiness’.

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