
March 4th , 2025



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The cat and mouse story.

One fine morning, cat was found in the bush by mouse and theyou came friends. Cat always was serious about his new friend. He carry go. But Mouse wanted to befriend him and one day trick him, that was Mouse intention. Mouse dI'd everything to win Cat heart. Even they visited other animals such as the goat, the donkey, sheep, dog, Ana, lizard, bee and others. One day they had a meeting, and the meeting took so long but it came to an end. Mouse said that he was hungry and they should prepare food for today.well they prepared  for the plan in preparing the food. Elephant was then slaughtered at the vendor place. So Mouse was asked to go out and go and buy the cooking ingrediets and ingredients for the banku preparation. Cat told Mouse that he will prepare the food. Ok so Mouse went, bought the items and returned home, and he started to prepare the soup 1st. They sliced and prepared the ijgredienuts for the ok rona soup. On the other hand, as it finished, Cat placed the bank u on the pot, and was preparing, he did it well and tied it in olonka rubber, wrapped nicely. As cat and mouse finished finished, they said they were coming to eat norr, then mouse suggested that it's not good if you've  not work. So Mouse suggested that they should go and work small on the farm. Well they were working then suddenly Mouse lied and fell on the ground and complained about his stomach hurts. Cat told him to football home, he'll finish up. As Mouse went home he did and acted like a sick persom, then actually he was hungry so he ate everything and didn't leave anyrhing for  Cat to eat. Mouse dI'd fast and left the house tha cat cannot find him send kill him.Cat come home he was hungry but didn't get antyping to eat, he mentioned mouse name 5 times, mouse was nowhwre. He was hungry paa, so cat took an oath, th when ever he finds mouse anywhere, he'll kill him.

That's why the cat chases after mouse always

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Edemick Adanu


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