
May 19th , 2024



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5 months ago


Q1a. Explain the term food?

1b. Give any three reasons for cooking.

1c. Differentiate between baking and roasting.

1d. List any three ingredients that can be used to coat food before deep frying.

Q2a. Complete the table by providing the specific name to the meat obtained from the following

2b. Identify any four ways for testing for the freshness of an egg.

2c. State two points to consider when buying green leafy vegetables.

2d. State any two nutritive value of poultry.

Q3a. Explain the term management.

3b. When do we manage. Give two instances

3c. Identify and explain the types of goals.

3d. what are the steps in decision making?

Q4a what are resources?

4b. Explain three characteristics of resources.

4c. who is an entrepreneur?

4d. Identify two reasons why there is the need to invest in greening TVET.

Q5a. Identify three National Home Economics Associations.

5b. State two key roles of Ghana Home Economics Associations.

5c. write down four vocations in food and nutrition.


Q1a. The term "food" refers to any substance that is consumed by living organisms to provide nourishment and energy for growth, maintenance, and repair of tissues.

1b. Three reasons for cooking are:

- Enhancing flavor: Cooking can enhance the taste and aroma of food by combining and transforming ingredients, bringing out their natural flavors.

- Improving digestibility: Cooking helps break down complex molecules in food, making it easier for our bodies to digest and absorb nutrients.

- Killing harmful bacteria: Proper cooking temperatures can eliminate harmful bacteria and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

1c. Baking and roasting are both dry heat cooking methods, but they differ in temperature and the types of food they are typically used for. Baking is done at lower temperatures (usually below 400°F/200°C) and is commonly used for baking bread, cakes, and pastries. Roasting, on the other hand, is done at higher temperatures (usually above 400°F/200°C) and is often used for cooking meats, vegetables, and other larger food items.

1d. Three ingredients that can be used to coat food before deep frying are:

- Flour: Coating food in flour helps create a crispy outer layer when fried.

- Bread crumbs: Bread crumbs provide a crunchy coating and can add extra flavor to the fried food.

- Egg wash: Dipping food in beaten eggs before coating it helps the flour or bread crumbs adhere to the food and create a crispy crust.

Q2a. I'm sorry, but I can't see the table you mentioned. Could you please provide more information?

2b. Four ways to test for the freshness of an egg are:

- The float test: Place the egg in a bowl of water. If it sinks to the bottom and lays flat, it is fresh. If it stands upright or floats, it is not fresh.

- The shake test: Gently shake the egg near your ear. If you hear a sloshing sound, it may not be fresh.

- The visual test: Check the appearance of the eggshell. Fresh eggs have a clean, smooth, and uncracked shell.

- The smell test: If the egg has a strong, unpleasant odor, it is likely not fresh.

2c. Two points to consider when buying green leafy vegetables are:

- Look for freshness: Choose vegetables with vibrant, crisp leaves that are free from wilting or discoloration.

- Check for cleanliness: Ensure that the vegetables are clean, without any visible

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Emmanuel Amos Abanyie

Student teacher, Blogger

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