
March 9th , 2025



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A year ago


once upon a time there lived a king named Chandra Gupta who lived in the Kingdom of kanjipuram he had two sons they were a pair of twins named lava kosa both of them are very intelligent children that grew up to be very talented and resourceful individuals One Fine Day minister of King visited him and said this my king both of your sons are growing up to very talented and intelligent individuals isn't it right that we should give them a coronation ceremony Yes Minister even I was thinking about that it is the time to

give my sons what they deserve at this point of their life may I know who you are willing to give the coronation ceremony to that both are your sons and I know you love them very much but who do you have in mind that can be capable of being King I know both of them are my sons but both of them might have different mindsets right now I believe that kuza has all the rights that is required to be a king but lawa on the other hand is a very quiet and shy person therefore I have come to the conclusion that kuza would be

 appropriate to be a king and lava will not have the talent the minister was quite surprised to hear the king said so abruptly and upfront but my king the real issue in the situation is the minister was about to say something but then he keeps it back himself if you have made your mind about this then I have no issues to discuss with you it is your decision after the minister left the place both his sons had a very tough argument with each other one day to solve their argument both laa Kusa went to visit their father my father me and

 my brother are having an argument but we both are not able to solve our problem all right then first tell me what the issue is let me hear what both of you were arguing about and then let me come to your conclusion I told my brother that there are a lot of poor people in our kingdom and giving them a lot of free meals and free help for their Finance would be very beneficial for their livelihood it would increase their quality of life and make them more healthy and happy but my brother is is disagreeing with my opinion what should

 I do forther because giving people free things will only make them lazy and bored except for education and Healthcare we should not give anything for free giving things for free just to get their apprisal and adulation will give us nothing in return it will turn people into beggar instead of odd working individuals we should not cook meal for the people instead we have to teach them how to cook and how to get food in the first place so that they will be self- dependent spoon feeding the people will only make them

 dependence on us and they will be nothing but delusions after listening to what both of his sons said the king looked at the minister and the minister replied to him like this feeding the poor is not going to help us solve our problems make sure that people are not poor in the first place is the permanent solution but if there are no poor people in our kingdom they will have no need for the kingdom the people need to be poor in order for them to remember who is ruling them if everybody becomes rich then there would be no need for us this

 is the only strategy for us to be in power and for us to always have a control over the people so therefore what kuza said is the most perfect answer to me that is the way to deal with people but what laa said means nothing to me because his ideas are very wrong he has no Talent OR skill to be a king kuza is the only person that deserves to be a king So Minister I want you to make sure that ku's coronation ceremony occurs as soon as possible unable to Bear the humilation that his own father gave him in front of his own

 brother lava felt very bad so he left the kingdom immediately the next day he left all his princely clothing and ow normal people clothes and he started traveling around the kingdom he changed his name into arjit because he did not want people to think of him as the son of King as he was visiting several Villages and looking around he saw a Brahman Saint sitting in the house and preaching the word of holy God aret was very interested in learning from the saint so he went and sat next to him he was very curious and interested while he

 was sitting next to him he saw a man and he asked him like this it is so great to see a saint like this man sitting in front of everybody and teaching the word of the holy God he has learned all the upanishads and the bhad Gita who is this man may I know this man is a very old Hindu CHR and his name is an Sharma he has a daughter named Shara but she is that age of getting married and she has rejected that because he wants to be a saan just like him that is the only reason why he is so distract that he is doing everything else to forget this

 trouble it is a tragedy and that daughter does not want to get married and live a pry life like him but that is what is going on his life for now after listening to what the man said arjit goes to the priest named Anil Sharma and says this thank you so much priest for solving a lot of my confusions all this while I was thinking that Saint hood are only for people that are immersed in the holy book but now I have understood that in order to achieve sainthood we just need the kindness and the purity of heart even though arjit was wearing

 clothes that were dirty and very normal looking Anil Sharma thought that arjit was very bright person and he asked him like this my son what is your name who are your parents and where are you coming from May I know what your cast is as well sir my name is arjit I do not know who my parents are neither do I know what my cast is I do not remember anything in my life I'm just traveling around villages to ReDiscover myself and understand what the meaning of life is if you truly do not have anybody why don't you stay at my house so that I can

 teach you the meaning of life in that way you can learn everything and you can discover things that you want to discover Anil Sharma gladly takes arjit into his house when arjit met Anil sharma's daughter Sara Sara who was never in love with any man in her life felt something for arjit the next day arjit left the house to fch some water from well sna followed him sna was walking right behind arjit and once arjit reached the well Sara looked at arjit and she said like this to him all my life I hated men but since I have seen you I have understand that even men can be beautiful and kind I would like to spend a lot of time with you my father is leaving home and he will not be able at the house till tomorrow morning you can come today evening and we can spend time together that is what my intention is after listening to what Sara said arjit becomes very shocked but he takes his time and replies to her like this I'm now a disciple of your father you are like my sister the fact that you have thoughts like this is not right it is a very big sin you might be

 saying this because you are a young girl but you have to repress these emotions s tried to convince arjit as much she could but she wasn't able to she was very upset that arjit did not like her back so she broke her Bangles and she started scratching her own arms and she ran away inside her house and said like this father my life is drained you brought a man into this house and you see what has happened I already want you not to bring any man into this house now my entire life is gone I'll never be the same again after listening to what his daughter said Anil Sharma becomes very upset he believes his daughter words and goes to Chieftain of the village and he tells everything that has occurred the chieftain of the village listens to his acquisition and he calls arjit to investigate as Sara and her father Speak arjit doesn't refuse any of the acquisition that they are making he never opened his mouth and spoke single word Chieftain looks at arjit and he says like this is it true arjit that you had done these things to that poor woman

answer me after listening to what the village leader said arjit keeps his mouth shut Ajit please listen to me if you do not say a single word I'm going to assume that you are guilty you have to speak up as soon as you can how could you do this to your own guru's daughter sir I did what I had to do because that is what I wanted that was my wish and it was my lust that took me and made me do these things by the law of the land the punishment for a crime like this is that your hands and your feet should be

 chopped but somewhat I do not believe the words that you are saying I think that you might be innocent because this has never happened in this Village before especially with a girl like that I am going to take my time and investigate because there are no other Witnesses than Sara and I cannot think that she is lying as well unable to make a decision the leader transfers this issue to the king of land when the king of land reads the case he becomes very upset at the Village leader he calls one of of his Soldier and tries to analyze

the issue he then says like this this makes no sense the woman has accused Ajit of a crime and Ajit has accepted the crime why is he not giving the punishment to that man and why is he wasting my time fine whatever I shall take my time and I shall make a decision soon the king DAV Verma had a daughter named yamuna she was very intelligent girl and she always helped his father to make difficult decisions Dava gave His Daughter full details about the case that had occurred daughter Yuna read entire case and she said this to him

 father I believe that we have to bring both the accuser and the accused along with the village leader so that we can investigate and ask them questions only then we will get the bottom of this issue we have to understand why the village leader did not execute this boy immediately as soon as all three of them visit the king scene occurs where they say everything what happened during that incident but arjit keeps his mouth shut and he doesn't say a word the king looks at arjit face and he is unable to believe that he could be the one who did

 such crime but he is in a Dilo because he cannot let him go because he thinks he is innocent meanwhile yamuna ask him like this in order to solve this issue we need to find witnesses who saw this incident that day one then we'll be able to know for sure if this crime had taken place or not this incident had already occurred how can we find witnesses for this incident father you leave that to me I shall make sure that our Witnesses are there please give me some time so that I can arrange this she then makes

 the priest Anil Sharma to stay outside the palace in other man's house she makes his daughter to stay in her room inside the palace and she makes arjit stay next to the room room where SAA is staying father because there are no Witnesses of this incident we have to get to the bottom of this the only way we can know is by seeing what is happening right now yamuna takes her father and put him in a room where there is a small hole where he can see through what is happening outside that room yamuna had put Sara in very huge bedroom

 with lot of mirrors and beds euna was bored so he walked around and she was dis covering the room by herself she then spots a small door she was curious and she wanted to know what was inside that door so she opened the door and then she saw arjit sitting in the chair in front of her arjit looked at her with face of sadness and then he looked back down Sara looked around to see is there anybody looking at them then she decided that there is nobody Sara comes near arjit arjit raises his hand sees her and puts down again there is no one to help

 you anymore you are going to face punishment why did you accept the false accusation that I made on you this means that you like me as well why do you hate me so much you could have just admitted that you liked me and this would have never happened if you admit that you like me and if you are willing to marry me I shall withdraw this case and this will never happen if you don't you would have to go through the punishment and you would have to get your hands and legs chopped bad things happening to me are not new I have left my family my

 place and I'm here as a nobody I have nothing to lose and if my life is what I have to lose I have no problem losing it as well go away after listening to everything that Sara said King becomes very angry the very next day King and his daughter summons all three of them King looks at them and says this this girl Sara is a very terrible human being she was the one that losted on this man Ajit and because Ajit refused her she made a false case on him we want want to punish her severely because we know how

 good of a man Anil Sharma is we will refrain from punishing her this is my final conclusion after that King looked at arjit and decided that he needs to marry his daughter Yuna initially arjit rejected this but he realized that yamuna is one that found who is guilty he decided to marry her the king made arjit marry emuna in a very Grand stage in front of several people sna got upset and told like this to her father this is a total scam that has occurred to me the King dma has already planned to get y married to Ajit which is why he made me

 look like I was guilty and he had turned him into an innocent person this has given me a bad name that is why we have to go and complain to Chandra Gupta about this King deaa when sna said this sna and her father visited the Chandra gupta's Palace and they gave a complaint to him about arjit the minister visits sna and her father and he understands what the acquisation is arjit is also summoned to visit the kingdom he comes immediately once he was called finally he comes there Minister looks at arjit and he is very glad the king Chandra

 Gupta and will give his final verdict tomorrow it has already been proven that you are an innocent person but I'm so glad to see you after all these years your elder brother had taken the throne for a few years and he did nothing but he having a good time with his position he did not help the people in fact he took from them and he ended up taking a lot of lives as he was a very violent King The King Chandra Gupta and was so upset by the way your brother was handling the kingdom therefore he himself became King again he regretted

 the decision that he made of not making you a king and he misses you a lot I have told everything that I need to say tomorrow you shall meet your father and we shall see what happens the next day when the king saw that his son was one who was being accused of he felt so sad but the same time he's happy to see his son after a long time he did not treat his son anything differently from other case and when he proved that his son was one that was innocent everybody were happy each and everyone in the palace

 was very happy to hear this news that arjit is innocent then everybody came to know Sara is lying Saint becomes very upset about his daughter and he leaves to Forest and his son lava then took the throne as a king of kanjipuram along with his wife yamuna and they both lived and ruled happily ever after if you like this story do like it share it.

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Daniel Aikins


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