
May 21st , 2024


Daniel Aikins

4 months ago


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Around the World in 80 days Part 4

Around the world in 80 days part four she swirled around and struck with grace she truly was a one-of-a-kind and she was about to change the future of this journey and the future of felia's fog felius fogg the man who desired to travel the world in 80 days and who had bedded his wealth and all his career on this one endeavor but before reaching his true destination there were a lot of obstacles that had to be crossed so many obstacles oh but not for mr fogg for someone who wanted to disrupt the journey badly you are done now phillies

inspector fix knew that now nothing can stop him from arresting mr fogg he walked with purpose and determination oh how wonderfully fixed dreamt of arresting mr fogg and mr fogg and pasipettu begging to let go of them oh it's due all it took to shatter the dream was one misstep wow this disguise had come off the crowd gathered around to see a man draped in a sorry look he is a man why is it dressed like that it must be to full women and to make us talk to him oh what a wretched man no let me explain the anger and fear had gripped the crowd

our time at bombay was rather uneventful pasapatu isn't that right we miss you hopefully all rest of our journey is the same and you are able to finish your wager mr fogg agreed as he left his cabin to go stretch his legs but that was not agreeable to fate what happened to the train conductor why did it stop midway midway hamlet of colby is the last station brian bosterous it cannot be the train is still alihaban this was sir francis cromartie well all the passengers already know this the trucks are not finished yet

from here on you will find your own way to al-ahmad now that is unfair most you what do we do now sir francis at pacific you panicked but mr fogg wasn't in the least unnerved miss you how are you so calm well i am nothing if not prepared i have two extra days at my disposal pacifier too let's now go and find an alternate route you seem extremely sure may i have the honor to join you mr fogg graciously agreed and they were off to look for a mode of transport you say as if you know this country better than us

the only alternative transports are your two legs or perhaps an elephant that is not a nice tone to hold mister wait a minute did you say an elephant is that possible it certainly was the writer's name was jazz dan he was a young man known for his understanding of the animals mr fogg knew he had come to the right person yazdan had the best name in mind for their ride my dear majestic creature but her master is a crude man he will charge you a fortune per day to rent her and he shall accompany you so such a wretched man he

he will make her work more just so that he can make you reach faster and more money perfect then i shall not rent cuny the elephant i shall purchase you know how to ride an elephant don't you and to the light of yazdan keone was purchased at a hefty price of two thousand pounds francis pacified two and our very own mr fob sat on the howda that was raised on the back of cuyuni yazdan placed himself on her neck and they were all set to go as mr fogg and sir francis sat beside each other they began to talk and mr fogg was astounded

at the journey of sir francis i have lived in india for most of my life and have honestly grown fond of this place now mr fogg was intrigued to know that sir francis was involved in the last sepoy rebel in india i would not bore with the details please it's my pleasure being transported by keone was easier said than done mr fogg in his usual sophisticated gate managed to make himself comfortable but as for mr francis and pasipat too [Music] don't you worry sergi my sweet kiwi mostly never trips you mostly

mostly yes dan was so fond of this animal and keone seemed happy to have been released from the clutches from her wretched master and into the hands of this loving rider mr fogg was astonished to witness this bond between a human and an animal perhaps love does have a separate language deviating from the vent higher mountains to take the shortest cut to alahabad decided to cut through the dense forest and save time it was rather amusing to hear sir francis and mr fogg talk about their lives so as to distract themselves from

the discomfort of their travel around the world in 80 days you say that is quite a wager mr fogg it is and to tell you the truth sir francis a lot is writing on it i haven't shared this with anyone but the reform club and my inventions are all i have mr fogg was opening up to new adventures pasapattu sir francis yazdan kione all from different backgrounds and stories we're making the stonehearted mr fogg face very strange emotions of camaraderies partnership and friendship but soon mr fogg's world was

going to turn upside down what happened yazdan i hear some movement in the forest sergey maybe there are people just like us no not in this country people would not venture out in a dense forest this is either a wild animal or bandits [Music] don't resist come with us now what is happening oh that's princess mira of the pow whale village she is a warrior princess she's rebelled in the most difficult situations a princess is supposed to follow rules but she never does they are probably the soldiers of her

own village everybody was watching the young princess fight the battles ferociously but nobody was watching princess mira as intently as mr bob we are sorry princess we have orders no [Music] no shh well they taking her back to her dungeon when she's kept away from all humans the soldiers placed the unconscious princess in the carriage and quietly vanished into the dense forest this is a sad story mr fogg princess mira was married to one raja of a famous town she was happy with her marriage but one sad day the raja left for a

battle and never returned you see in those days it was not common for people to want to study it was the rule of that time that the princess had to behave a certain way but princess mira was no ordinary princess after several attempts to defeat her morale and in the face of the angry people of the village the king finally had to put his own daughter in the dungeon [Music] let's continue our journey yazdan we cannot save everybody wait we need to save her my friend you have your fortune and your presidency on the line this could take a

lot of time i agree with sir francis city this could throw us off track powwow village is far from here we will lose the time that we have gained by taking the shortcut through the forest with you our train from al haba to calcutta leaves tomorrow afternoon if we are caught in some indian scandal we might miss it for real and be behind in our journey pop was listening to all but was thinking of only one thing she will be taken back to her 

dungeon away from all humans mira mr fogg repeated the name as if it belonged to him and the decision was

made we will save her at all costs you

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Daniel Aikins

Web Developer

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