
May 21st , 2024


Daniel Aikins

4 months ago


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Around the World in 80 days Part 

Around the world in 80 days part 8. i journey around the world in 80 days [Music] princess

are you all right i am really worried about pacific too mr fogg it has been so long you really think he is in japan princess in the times of such situation it is always better to think the best for all i know pasapatu is in japan dancing his way out [Music] i can't move oh stop squirming you are lucky you get to dance in the first few shows i was asked to train the tiger it is not easy to survive in the circus if only pasipatu could tell this kind japanese man that he never wanted to work in a circus it so happened that when the pirates

left inspector fix and pass apatu on the dog in japan neither of them had any money or food they were hungry and thirsty maybe if we are able to sell something off hey your watch we can sell it off don't you dare this is my family heirloom it has been passed down by my great great great grandfather to my great great grandfather to my great grandfather to my grandfather to my father to me oh wait he was my great great great great grandfather in fact to my great how great were your grandfathers exactly i see you haven't adjusted your watch to

the international time standards yet don't you understand the meaning of a family hello the watch cannot be wrong the time is after wandering from place to place they came across an old fountain let's try our luck and throw a coin in it maybe we get some food that way you think if we had a coin i would let you use it to make a wish use your brain how dare you talk to me like that i am the police oh yeah how come you can't do one thing right then you know what i think you are a liar you have lied about everything and you

are just a thief trying to steal money from mr fogg oh absolutely that is why i'm here waiting for a coin rather than to be with that fog and see buster's heist no you let my hair go why is that a family heirloom too oh marvelous absolutely marvelous you two are the exact clowns i was looking for i own a circus you know and you both will be great performance are you offering us a job i am please what is wrong with you people don't you have any respect me a performer you must be out of your mind are you out of your

mind we don't have anywhere to go thanks to you we don't have any money to eat do you have any other plan pardon us please we will surely work for you and that is how mr fogg's faithful assistant and his arch-nemesis began the most unusual bond but mr fogg was away from all this drama and was in his own challenges you said this ship was strong for the voyage oh is we just have to wait the high tide oh yeah more like die with the high tide wait where's the princess [Applause] what is happening come on mr fogg

didn't you say we have to make the most of every situation [Applause] welcome all you loved our new performers isn't it so here they are the big bird and the aqua danta i cannot do this pastor part two you are at least the big bird i'm the awkward dancer [Music] mr haruto's next show is in san francisco usa that is the next stop on my most used journey we have to stay with the circus crew this is the only way to get back home and thus the show began [Music] how do these dancers guts in such tight clothes i

can't even sweat [Music] why am i so close to the ground what was happening is that the cable attached to controlling the inspector's flight was getting loose okay so now i kick my foot up in the air and turn around in tipito and as expected the rope broke what are these clowns doing how could you come and dash into me oh don't you know i love 

falling flat on my face what is wrong with you you think i did that on purpose enough you destroyed my show arrest them don't you dare do not interfere in our business mister

is that how you talk to a samurai so i since it was the 18th century japan was only just coming along with the idea of policing before this there was an era of samurais who were responsible to restore and keep peace in japan but samurais are not required anymore we are the police you will decide if samurais are needed or not all right then fight me are you out of your mind summaries are deadly let's just get out of here be wise the policemen were out of that area at once hey where are you going pasipatu and inspector were shocked to

see the strange savior but as soon as the savior wiped his face past a pet two embraced his friend with tears in his eyes oh mouse you i am so happy to see you [Music] i miss my friend too passer part two let's go fast our steam is leaving i have a surprise for you it would have been perfect inspector fix would have been saved by mr fogg and would be traveling to the usa and would have received a warrant and arrested him but i will not take this man's help pessipatu neither wanted to lie to mr fogg nor could he tell mr fogg the truth about

inspector fix but he made a choice most you the truth is that it's settled then the big bird does not need any help he will stay with us with this circus and do shows what no this is japan once you say something and you don't follow it it is a crime ah that's not true oh what do you know the big bird stays and that was that inspector fix once again suffered for his own stubborn behavior no do i know him let's go from here mr fogg i am waiting for the surprise you were talking about no i am not the big bird

i am not the big bird pacific two and mr fogg were back onto their steamer to san francisco and there it was passabitus surprise princess mr fogg explained the entire situation of meera's cousin gigi to pass a patoo well who was at least interested to know anything beyond the news that the princess was going to travel with them i am so sorry if you have missed your time to finish your journey time spent after saving a friend is time and password and as far as the wages concerned we are very much in time next stop

san francisco you

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Daniel Aikins

Web Developer

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