
March 9th , 2025



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A year ago

Dear Mr. President,

Cheerful New Year to you. I hope everything turns out great for you this year, which is your last year in power. My request in this last year of your authority, you will offer Ghana the sort of administration that will allow Ghanaians to recollect you emphatically and well when you leave power on January 6, 2025.

Mr President, in this last year of your administration, I plan to think of you routinely on issues of worry to me and maybe, to some Ghanaians as well.

This will be my little approach to assisting you with hearing a portion of the harsh insights you really want to hear and be aware, yet which your nominees and individuals around you will be reluctant to tell you. I really want to believe that you will see the value in this deliberate, free assistance I'm advertising. I trust that you will likewise acknowledge my basic sentiments sincerely.

I wish to begin my planned series of letters to you for certain reflections on your authority and Ghana's majority rules system.

It is accounted for that on Saturday, January 6, 2024, you conveyed a discourse in which you encouraged Ghanaians to do all that could be within reach to ensure the life span of our 30-year-old Fourth Republic. This is a genuine and right call and I wish to recognize you for that.

For sure, regardless of the relative multitude of known entanglements of a majority rules system, it stays the most favored type of administration and we really want to safeguard, secure and support our own while supporting different countries to do likewise.

Given Ghana's political history that is spoiled with military overthrows and the new resurgence of rebellions in our West Africa locale, I can comprehend the reason why your contemplations about the life span of our ongoing majority rule government will constantly be focused on the counteraction of an overthrow.

Yet, Mr. President, let me advise you that all over the planet, a few vote based systems have passed on not through military takeovers but rather in the possession of chosen pioneers. So considerations about the life span of Ghana's majority rule government ought not be fixated on only the shortfall of a tactical overthrow. Our majority rule government can pass on without a tactical overthrow. All together words, a vote based system isn't just the occasional lead of races and the shortfall of military overthrows.

Similarly as in numerous different nations all over the planet, Ghana's vote based system can be obliterated and shortened by the counter fair activities and approaches of a chosen chief. Furthermore, I'm miserable to say, Mr President, that all through your authority of our country, a portion of your activities and inactions have fundamentally debilitated and sabotaged our Fourth conservative majority rule government as opposed to reinforcing, securing and merging it.

You might be perplexed by my case. In any case, that is typical. Frequently, when chosen pioneers are annihilating popular governments through their activities, they do as such with the deception that their activities are fairly fortifying majority rules system. I, subsequently, accept that it will be useful to help you to remember a portion of the things that you have directed and activities that you have taken that have sabotaged, debilitated and made our majority rules system more delicate.

Most importantly, Mr. President, our majority rules system is debilitated, as opposed to reinforced, when you direct an administration that is portrayed by elevated degrees of unrestrained debasement and plundering of state assets without any potential repercussions. Such an administration must be a danger to the maintainability and life span of our majority rules government.

Mr. President, the issue of elevated degrees of debasement in your administration is something you would have heard a few times. However, it is possibly you couldn't care less about it and wouldn't battle the infection or that you have attempted yet lost the battle.

Up until this point, Straightforwardness Worldwide's yearly Defilement Insight Lists have shown that the most obviously terrible record of your ancestor government remains your best exhibition. Recall that we as a whole blamed the past government for being bad and you were at the front of that allegation.

Once more, as you know or ought to know, in 2022, Afrobarometer's Cycle 9 overview in Ghana uncovered that the greater part of Ghanaians studied said that your office (Office of the Administration) is the second most degenerate establishment in the country. A similar report uncovered that you have the most terrible record with regards to battling debasement. Just about nine out of each and every 10 Ghanaians (85%) overviewed for that report appraised your work in battling debasement as reasonably or extremely terrible.

Mr. President, you debilitate and make our Fourth conservative vote based system delicate, when you keep on making moves to clear your representatives who are embroiled in supposed demonstrations of debasement, even before examinations are done. In the Afrobarometer report referred to above, it was uncovered that 77% of Ghanaians accept that under your administration, authorities who carry out violations slip by everyone's notice. This has prompted individuals portraying you, very unenviably, as "the clearing specialist."

At the point when you direct a bad government in which authorities live luxuriously while the majority keep on misery, that isn't the way to safeguard and support our vote based system. That is the manner by which to fall a vote based system, as a matter of fact.

Mr. President, you debilitated and delivered our vote based system delicate instead of fortified it when you manhandled your power and utilized unrefined means to eliminate a free Reviewer General, just on the grounds that he was attesting his autonomy to safeguard the public satchel. As the High Court later insisted, your activity was illegal.

It is miserable that the High Court went with its choice solely after the survivor of your unlawful activity, the admired Daniel Yaw Domelovo, had arrived at the retirement age and hence, couldn't get back to involve his situation.

That illegal demonstration was positively hostile to popularity based and the sort of activity that represent a serious danger to the life span of Ghana's Fourth conservative majority rule government. How might you sin against the Constitution and say you are guarding and safeguarding the life span of our majority rules system? That unlawful demonstration is an exemplary illustration of how a chosen chief can undermine a majority rules government.

Mr. President, I accept you additionally know very well that your choice to delegate known activists of your party to administrative roles of a few critical free foundations of state isn't the means by which to reinforce, safeguard and support our majority rules government. A significant number of such organizations are presently going genuine validity and trust emergency than any time in recent memory, because of your activities.

How might a majority rules government be safeguarded and supported when your activities keep on removing the basic resources that free organizations of express that act as abuffer for our majority rules government need the most - validity and public trust? I have tried not to name such state foundations with the goal that I don't add to the test of public trust they are as of now confronting. Yet, I have almost certainly that you know the establishments I'm discussing and the sketchy arrangements you have made.

I'm, in this way, not shocked that when the multi-million agreement between the Service of Money and Ghana Income Authority (GRA) on one hand and an organization called Vital Mobiliation Restricted (SML) on the other, was as of late uncovered as shameful, you settled on a confidential firm, KPMG, to review the arrangement rather than the many state offices that are commanded to explore such matters.

Maybe, you have additionally lost trust and trust in the state establishments. If not, how could you sidestep in any event, the Reviewer General of Ghana, whom you named to supplant the one you bothered and illegally eliminated from office. Don't you trust him as well? How could you rather need to spend state assets to pay a confidential firm to lead a review into an obscure state contract, when there is a state inspector who is paid with public assets?

Indeed, various associations and conspicuous people have said that given the current connection among GRA and KPMG, which you will positively know about, they can't believe that KPMG will do a persevering review. I genuinely want to believe that you will pay attention to those voices.

So Mr. President, while your call for Ghanaians to give their very best for guarantee the life span of the Fourth Republic is correct, your activities should likewise be those that advance, safeguard and support a majority rule government instead of those that subvert popularity based values, standards and principles.

It is my expectation that you will utilize the last year of your authority to offer our country a better initiative as opposed to additionally subverting our majority rules government. Given your qualifications and height preceding becoming President and the elevated standards individuals had of you, it will be miserable for you to turn out to be the most awful Leader of the Fourth Republic and the person who debilitated our majority rules government. I genuinely want to believe that you will act to stay away from that unenviable record in Ghana's set of experiences.

By and by, cheerful New Year!!

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Afia Yeboaa Yeboaa

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