
March 6th , 2025



A year ago


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For far too long, the world’s been enveloped by darkness. That’s the darker side of humanity, not a lack of sunlight. So many hope that it’ll change. What do you do to affect change in the world?

Change has to start within each person. Real change comes slowly. Often, it comes with pain and sacrifice. Small acts can change things, leaving behind positive ripples.

Start Change With You

Inside you exists the power to change the world. It’s true, even if the world sounds too big for you to change. Consider the world, for a moment, and what your definition of the world is when you say, “the world sucks.”

The world sucks

— Millions of people

What exactly sucks? Is it your financial burden? Is it your love life? Is it the negativity in your life making the world suck?

Most of the time, when the world sucks, it’s not the entire world that is making you feel this way. Changing your viewpoint of the world or compartmentalizing the “sucks” part into smaller sections of the world changes things drastically.

It’s not the world that “sucks,” it’s your world that isn’t what you want it to be.

Your Mindset Needs to Change

Accepting that in the entirety of the world, not everything sucks, you can look to a smaller segment of the world, your immediate orbit. You have the power to influence and control things around you. Are you using that power is a great question?

Let’s say life is hard. How do you deal with things? What is your response to random events that are colossal inconveniences? You can develop a positive mindset and respond to the things that irritate and vex you in more upbeat ways.

Start by remembering someone else has a harsher day to deal with than you.

The recent winter storms have placed many in America under stress and worry. Double-digit measurements of snow and ice have dropped into most of our lives. This comes with inherent problems. Yet, people step up and do things for others in times like these.

The younger generation goes out in the icy, subzero temps and digs out the elders. Some for money, and some for a genuine concern for friends and family they don’t want to see struggling with such heavy labor as shoveling their driveway.

When a woman in her seventies working second shift knows the city has buried their driveway as the plows open the streets, and the temperatures are dropping rapidly, hardening the snow, eleven o’clock at night is a horrible time for her to try digging out her driveway alone.

That was the concern of a clerk in Walgreens yesterday. A good shovel and an address, and a younger, in-shape fellow, made sure she could get into her driveway at the end of her day.

Simple little acts can uplift both the person doing them and the person benefiting from them. Acts like that can spread positivity. When positivity is spread by a simple little act you do, don’t you feel more positive about your part in the world?

Working to be more positive, to have a more positive mindset, is a task. It requires a commitment to spreading positivity, to seeing opportunities at the moment, and to being mindful of your influence in the world. Living in the moment and having a positive effect on the world. Even small and positive effects you leave on the world can spread positivity around your immediate circle.

Try spreading positivity around your orbit and be consistent with it long enough to see the effects you have on people. When people feel that positivity, they’re likely to respond to you in different and uplifting ways. There’s the direct effect on your world you can feel. You are now practicing to use the power and influence you hold on your world.


To make a change in the world, even your immediate world, there is work to do. How you respond to the events and troubles of the world is your choice. It’s easy to be swallowed by the negativity in the news, online, and among people. However, if you’re willing to change, you can spread positivity and make real changes in yourself and the lives of others.

Much of what needs to change starts with the mindset of people. When you start to accept what the world needs and what it lacks, you see what control over your orbit you truly have. You can make the world around you a better place.

Your mindset of neutrality, or negativity, can limit your ability to change your world. Positivity can be spread, much like the viruses going around our cities and states even today. When you spread positivity through action, you’ll find yourself being more highly thought of, you’ll likely see doors opening that weren’t there before, and you’ll feel the effects of that positivity on you like the warmth of the sun.

Try spreading positivity. Watch its ripple effect, like stones in the water. The more stones of positivity you throw, the more it spreads around you. So, do more for the others in the world, be of service, and spread light to those around you. What we put into the world we tend to get back.

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