A year ago
We all have a different perception of what life is supposed to look like, in regards to success, or failure. Many of us believe that if someone does not have excessive amounts of money, with which to do whatever they choose, that they have not achieved a level of success that is noteworthy, this however is not the case. It is not about how much money we have, that determines whether or not we are successful, it is in all actuality, a state of mind.
If you feel as though you will never be successful, or that you will not know happiness, until you reach a certain level of financial status, then by your own creation, you will never know the happiness you seek, because it will always be tied to some circumstance, which must happen in order for you to live a happy life. For many people, even when they meet the circumstance of having financial wealth, they are even more miserable than they were, prior to having that new found, financial status.
Happiness is something that is not waiting around the corner, or tied to a specific set of circumstances that must take place in order for one to truly feel this, in my experience, happiness is a state of mind, where we learn to appreciate all that which we have, and in turn, show the appreciation we feel for that which we have, in a way, that also helps others to appreciate that which they also possess. Life is not a cut and dry experience, there are many different shades of what this life is all about, in fact, life can be so vastly different for each person in their own right, that even identical twins, may live lives, that are different by great lengths, however, the appreciation which they show, for that which they do have, is what will result in the happiness that so many seek, yet seem to be unable to find.
Some people make a mental statement to themselves, in regards to tying happiness to a state of being, where they only perceive happiness, as being found, in another person, who makes them whole, which can be a way to perceive happiness, but let me explain one thing here, happiness should never be contingent on the actions, or presence of another, for if you tie your own happiness to such a whimsical notion, you will most certainly be disappointed. I am not saying that happiness can not be achieve through a unification of two lives, becoming one, because in my marriage, I was immensely happy to have my wife by my side, it wasn't until she passed away, that I realized that I had been attributing my own peace of mind, to her presence, and after she passed away, I began searching for the happiness, that I could not experience any longer from her presence, I needed to find the happiness which was hidden inside of my own soul, which I had been searching for, for a long time, but never fully realized, that it was something I had the capacity to feel, at any given time, or in any given situation.
Living a life that is purposeful, and truly has meaning, in regards to being in a place, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically, that helps to propagate feelings of contentment, and true self worth, this is in my opinion, where true happiness lies, it can not be found outside of yourself, it must be searched for within, for god created us in his image, which means he created us with the capacity to view the world as it is, but to also create the world which we want to live in, and the best way to do this, is by becoming the change that you wish to see in the world.
Never be afraid of walking your own path, you do not have to follow the actions of another to become accomplished, and it is far more rewarding to walk with genuine authenticity and integrity, than it is to follow in the footsteps of another.
Never feel as though you are not good enough, because you were created to serve a purpose, and once you find what that purpose is, through meditation, prayer, or whatever spiritual practices you may utilize in your life, this is when and where you will find lasting peace, and true heartfelt happiness, with divinities blessing.
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