
September 8th , 2024


Edmund Gogah

6 months ago


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6 months ago









The Controller and Accountant General, confirmed the up rise of public works salary, stating that the government had approved the 23% adjustment payment.

              The government has increased the salaries of public sector employees by 23%, following the finalization of negotiations on the 2024 base pay agreement. 

This adjustment became effective from January 1 of this year. Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem, the Controller and Accountant General, confirmed this development to the Daily Graphic, stating that the government had approved the 23% adjustment payment. He emphasized the government's dedication to ensuring that public sector workers receive their salaries accurately and punctually, as evidenced by the timely payment of salaries of the public workers in accordance with published schedules.

Mr. Kwaning-Bosompem highlighted the government's unwavering commitment to supporting workers' interests, noting that even during the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, salaries were consistently paid without reductions or layoffs in the recent years, unlike in some other countries. He stressed the importance of public sector employees contributing to stabilizing the economy, especially as signs of economic recovery emerge.

Several members of Organised Labour corroborated the government's implementation of the 23% increase in base pay. The Teachers and Educational Workers Union (TEWU) confirmed the receipt of the increased pay, with General Secretary Mark Dankyira Korankye affirming that there have been no complaints from their members regarding the payment.

In the previous year, the government had raised the base pay under the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS) by 30% universally. This marked the largest increment secured by Organised Labour since 2010, surpassing the 20% and 12% increments achieved in 2010 and 2017, respectively. Additionally, the 30% increment last year replaced the 15% cost of living allowance (COLA) previously provided by the government from July to December. This demonstrates a significant improvement in salary adjustments compared to previous administrations.

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Edmund Gogah


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