
March 6th , 2025



A year ago


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So I am what people would refer to as a Poly user. Meaning I've struggled with many different substances throughout my adult life. It all started with me getting a long bout of kidney stones and having to have lots of surgeries for them in a short period of time. The first pill my Urologist ever prescribed me was Dilaudid 4 mg, if you know anything about pain medication you will know these are very strong, along-side them he also gave me Oxycodone 10 mg. I was 19 years old when I started taking them, and I remember his words clear as day "You're going to become dependent on them, but don't worry, we will wean you off."

I had no clue what that even meant! But he was a Doctor, so I trusted him. Then one month my insurance had a billing issue and I did not have the money for the visit. My Doctor basically said I was screwed, that's when I was introduced to the world of illicit drugs.

I am now 34 years old, and have spent my adult life struggling off and on, but I feel like I'm finally breaking through all the things that have kept me chained to it, and I have found the tools to help me stay sober long term.

There are no magic secret tricks, these are all simple techniques that are easy to access and do any time though. And I think people give up on them quickly or don't try cause they think it's too simple, but if you are consistent and don't give up, they work!

1. Self-care routine

Self-care is the key, because if I stop doing things every day to take care of myself, even the little things, I become easily depressed and that is a big trigger for me, it has always lead to use. So I have gotten in the routine of doing my makeup every day, and trying to curl or style my hair often, because those are things that help me feel good about myself. I had a pretty simple wardrobe for a while, comfy clothes, nothing fancy, but I went and bought some nicer shirts (for cheap from Ross) and I get complimented all the time on how nice I look.

There are lots of different form of self-care, showering, listening to music, going for a walk in nature, talking to an old friend, painting your nails, dying your hair a fun new colour! Mine is currently a pretty green tone after it fading from blue, and I've decided to do something new and out of my comfort zone this next time. Things like this keep my depression at bay and my state of mind healthy so I have no desire to use.

2. Grounding

There are many different ways to ground, but I will just list some that work for me. Going and taking your shoes and socks off and feeling the grass/dirt/sand between your toes is probably the most literal way you can ground! But it works, just letting yourself feel your feet absorbing the earth's energy. You can also ground with breathing exercises, they always help me when I am feeling overwhelmed. Mindfulness is good cause it brings you back into this moment, using your 5 senses to observe the world around you as it is right now.

3. Mudras

These are newer to me but extremely powerful!!!

These could be in the category of grounding but they are so much more than that I had to dedicate them their own section. Mudras are unique hand motions that when used with focus and intent can stimulate all kinds of goodness in your body because all your organs are connected to your hands. They allow us to recharge our energy levels in our bodies. Here is a link, I highly encourage you to check them out!

4. Journaling

Journaling has become more and more important to me because I'm seeing as time passes how helpful it is to be able to look back on what I have written, so I can spot patterns in myself, and recognize when I am falling back into the negative ones. Writing your feelings in the moment also helps you process what you are going through while also venting. I have struggled to be consistent with it which I regret, cause it is so interesting to look back on where you have been. Plus if you're struggling you can look back and read on the positive times to regain some hope, and when you're doing well you can read the bad times and realize in future ones, you're actually gonna end up ok... It's a win win!

5. Connection and support

I am still working on this one, building more healthy connections in my life I mean. Because I have learned I can do it alone, but it's a miserable and lonely road. Don't be afraid to open up and accept support. Reach out and find good, healthy connections!

6. Holding good boundaries!!!

This is so so so important! Whether it be with family, friends, or relationships. You know your boundaries... keep them!

I hope this helps someone out there somewhere, like a similar person did for me. I hope you realize how amazing you really are, and that you deserve all the best things life has to offer!

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