
March 6th , 2025



A year ago


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Gardening is a great hobby to have. Whether simply mowing the lawn or tending to a rose garden, there is so much to take enjoyment from. In fact, gardening has many associated mental and physical health benefits. However, it can be tempting to retreat from the garden during the cooler months.

By braving the elements and tending to plants or fruit and veggie patches, gardeners can enjoy a constant yield. With this in mind, there are small tasks gardeners can perform year round. By breaking gardening tasks down into seasons, you can ensure that your garden has the proper foundation needed to successfully grow seasonal foods and plants.


While it can be tempting to let the hot sun keep you out of the garden, there are important tasks that gardeners must perform in summer. Namely, preparing the soil to cultivate a year of impressive yields.

Tip 1: Prepare the soil

Think of soil as the foundation your garden needs in order to successfully grow. As such, soil needs to be taken care of. This means investing in good quality soil that helps plants or veggies improve water holding capacity. Adding organic matter like compost is also advisable.

Tip 2: Use water effectively

A summer watering schedule can make or break soil. This is because watering too late in the day can heighten the risk of mildew or fungus growth. As such, try to water early in the morning, giving gardens a good soaking.

Tip 3: Plant summer foods

Summer is a great time to plant summer foods! Everything from celery and leeks to carrots and watermelon can be planted. When planting summer fruits and vegetables, pests may appear, however, they can be naturally removed with organic products.

Tip 4: Harvest foods

Harvesting regularly during summer is key. This is because the sun helps fruit and vegetables to ripen quickly. In order to avoid wastage, harvest zucchinis and cucumbers early. Also keep a close eye on tomatoes as they ripen quickly in summer heat.


Gardening success in autumn stems from performing tasks that range from planting flowers to maintenance duties. While the tasks vary greatly, each job is necessary in order to enjoy a vibrant garden.

Tip 1: Plant crops for winter

Hearty winter vegetables don’t appear in the garden overnight. That’s why it’s important to dedicate some autumn gardening time to planting crops for winter. Planting cabbages, onions, peas and broccoli in autumn ensures they will be ready for winter stews and soups.

Tip 2: Plan for spring flowers

Autumn is a great time of year to plant everything from trees and shrubs to plants that will flower in spring. When it comes to planting bulbs like daffodils and tulips, opt for a spot with well-draining soil or individual planters.

Tip 3: Undertake garden maintenance

Another great garden task for the months of autumn is to undertake some pruning. The benefits of trimming hedges and pruning plants is twofold. Firstly, it keeps them protected and compact. Secondly, pruning works to stimulate new growth.

Tip 4: Tend to the lawn

Autumn months are synonymous with falling leaves. While the different colour leaves might make a lovely photograph, they can actually smother plants and grass. As such, it’s important to regularly rake lawns and remove leaves from garden patches.


Cold mornings with little to no sunshine during the day seem like conditions that are not suitable for gardening. However, there are many tasks that gardeners can use to busy themselves through the months of winter.

Tip 1: Build a compost pile

By being proactive and creating a compost pile in winter, you are allowing bacteria to grow. When placed in the garden or on the lawn, the bacteria from this fertiliser will help enrich the soil while also helping plants retain water.

Tip 2: Check structures

During the winter months there may be rain. Garden structures with holes in them or with improper drainage may be a problem. To safeguard against heavy rainfall, make sure garden beds can be well-drained and that they are free of suffocating weeds.

Tip 3: Make time to mulch

While mulching is considered as a summer activity, it can also be beneficial in winter. This is because adding a thick layer of mulch to plants helps to regulate the soil’s temperature, something that will help ease the transition into the harsh winter conditions.

Tip 4: Let there be light

Plants need light to thrive. While in the dark of winter, this may be hard, where you can, move plants inside. If you have a narrow lot, plants may already be undercover. If not, move them inside in front of south facing windows. Alternatively, consider investing in plant specific lights.


Spring is a great time to get into the garden and get your hands dirty. Garden projects are varied and if you’ve been on top of your tasks during the course of the year, you can also delight in crops and flowers.

Tip 1: Test your soil

A general rule of thumb recommends testing your garden’s soil every 3-5 years at the beginning of spring. Undergoing such tests means that you can find the perfect combination of fertiliser in order to ensure that crops or plants have a healthy environment for growth.

Tip 2: Look out for pests

Pests look for shelter during the winter. In some instances, larvae, snails and slugs may have found shelter in your garden. Be on the lookout for pests in compost and around the crown of perennial plants.

Tip 3: Prepare for summer salads

Early spring is a great time to plant hardy vegetables as the soil is still cool. By planting potatoes, artichokes and greens such as lettuce, you can ensure that all the ingredients for a great summer salad will be ready to harvest in time.

Tip 4: Plant bulbs for summer

In the latter part of spring, gardeners should be looking to plant blooming bulbs like dahlias. By waiting until the last frost has left the ground, you can ensure that blooming bulbs will be thriving in time for summer lawn parties.

Gardening year round

Gardening is an extremely rewarding hobby. However, great crops and vibrant flowers don’t appear overnight. In order to enjoy great yield, gardeners must tinker in the soil year round. By performing a few key tasks each season, you can enjoy a thriving garden that will be the envy of the neighbourhood.

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