A year ago
I am a Taurus. And believe it or not, this piece of information is important for the overall way I lead my life. Your Zodiac sign is more than just a symbol to identify with. Your sun, moon, and rising signs influence your habits, personality, and even sleep patterns— seriously! That’s why my husband and I have been looking for ways to meet in the middle, with me as an earth sign and him as a water sign, to improve our quality of life. We decided to start at the place that matters most: the bedroom.
A new mattress was at the top of our list! Getting a new mattress meant compromise and communication. I knew that finding the perfect mattress that worked for both my husband and I’s sleeping habits wasn’t going to be easy but I knew it would be worth it in the end. As I prepared to go into research mode, I made a list of brands that immediately came to mind. I have heard wonders about the Lull Original Mattress changing the way people slept, so I knew that was at the top of my list. Within 15 minutes of being on Lull’s website, I knew I wanted to give a Lull mattress a try. Lull offers an amazing 365-night risk-free trial so you can sleep on your new mattress for an entire year and make sure it is the right mattress for you and your partner! With the year-long trial, free shipping, and a lifetime warranty, my husband and I knew that we didn’t have to look into any other mattress brands- we needed to try Lull!
Once we placed our order, our mattress arrived on our doorstep in a box within 5 days! I was amazed at how quickly the whole shopping process was. We brought the box into our room and carefully cut off the protective plastic. We stood back and watched the tightly rolled, memory foam mattress expand into our new bed. Everything was so easy from beginning to end. And, I’ve got to say, the Lull mattress has been a complete game-changer for us. From unparalleled comfort to deep uninterrupted sleep, Lull has satisfied both our physical and astronomical demands. So, allow me to explain how the stars have aligned and are pointing you towards Lull for your next sleep experience.
Only two months ago, our family moved into a new home. For anyone who has packed up everything they own and moved it all to another, you know how much work it is. As excited as we were to be in our new home, we were unprepared for the amount of physical exhaustion that came along with it. Sleep became even more important since it was our way to recharge and prepare our bodies for the next day of unpacking. Unfortunately for me, I went through a few weeks of sleepless nights. Whether it was excitement, overstimulation, or just the list of things on my mind to get done the next day, I could not get a good nights’ rest. That’s when the conversation of needing a new mattress started and when we discovered Lull. Once we settled on a Lull Original Mattress, I began a journey of discovering more about myself, my sleep patterns, and how my Zodiac sign can be the biggest component.
Depending on the kind of person you are and the astrological sign you belong to, you can find out a lot about the way you sleep and the sleep pattern you follow. While it may seem trivial, your sleeping habits can play a significant role in how you live your life day to day. With that being said, it is important for you to learn about the way you sleep, how well you sleep, and how long and deeply you sleep throughout the night. While some people may have the habit of falling asleep as soon as they rest their heads on the pillows, others may experience some insomnia, resulting in sleepless nights.
My Zodiac sign is the Taurus (April 20-May 20). As a fixed earth sign, Taurus likes routine, familiarity, and stability. I can tend to be routine-obsessed, and I definitely gravitate towards what I know to feel good, steadfast and comfortable. Taureans are grounded, stubborn, sensual, hot-tempered, dependable, resilient, hardworking, and slow and steady. I love my rest- most Taurus do. We have a reputation for working hard, which means we work our bodies and minds hard as well. I used to need at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep, and even though that has clearly changed since having kids, sleeping at night has become more important than ever. I’ve learned over time that sleep is essential to my day-to-day life, and I try to rest as often and long as I can.
Aries (March 21–April 19) – As the first sign of the zodiac, it’s no surprise that Aries personalities aim to be ahead of everything (and everyone). It’s also no surprise that the same daytime energy you have to apply to all of your endless accomplishments also keeps you up at night. Your anxiety may get the best of you in the evening, as you're thinking about what you can do better tomorrow. Don't make lists at night. Read a book to rest your eyes. And, when choosing the best furniture for your bedroom, choose the mattress that’ll facilitate this deep sense of relaxation for you!
Gemini (May 21–June 20) – It's super important to turn off your electronic devices before falling asleep to ensure you have a moment to de-stress. Disconnecting from the world will allow you to have a moment's peace and rest before hitting the hay. Trying a cooler temperature could also help you find a good night’s rest. Since Gemini’s are more likely to be hot sleepers, much like their hot temper, the Original Lull Mattress might be the perfect mattress for you! Lull’s Original Mattress is made of three layers engineered to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. The premium gel top layer has a cooling technology that absorbs and distributes your body heat while you sleep, all while providing optimal support.
Cancer (June 21–July 22) – Ruled by the nocturnal moon, Cancer’s sleep behaviour ebbs and flows like the tides and has nights of rest accompanied with sleepless phases. Therefore, falling asleep at a particular time may be hard. But, once you get into your deep slumber, it’s hard to wake up. The phrase “don’t go to bed angry” especially applies to Cancers, as personal relationships have a deep impact on your overall well-being and night-time thoughts. Resolving conflicts before going to sleep would be a good routine. That’s why Cancers need a comfortable and supportive mattress that will allow them to drift into bliss in just five deep breaths.
Leo (July 23–August 22) – In your off-seasons (fall and winter), you tend to hibernate in an effort to save up all of your energy for the summer. All of your sleep in the other seasons, however, will give you a lot of energy in the hot days of summer—that's when you'll require less sleep. Following your social needs could help you feel energized during the day and content with how your precious time is spent during the night.
Virgo (August 23–September 22) – As a Virgo, you like to bring order to your routine and make the most of your time during the day. You're more likely to toss and turn in the night than the other signs. The reason why is because you tend to rethink and go over all the drama and aspects of the day before you fall asleep. Try to disconnect and unwind before getting into bed. Indulge your senses in the comfort of a premium mattress that contours to the shape of your body and allows you to rest while it does all of the hard work.
Libra (September 23–October 22) – Creating balance in your sleep schedule will be hard, but once you maintain a regular sleep schedule and don't take naps, then you should be golden. Try surrounding yourself with pleasing décor and plush accents, and above all, comfort!
Scorpio (October 23–November 21) – “Obsession” is the scorpion’s key word. Scorpios can have droughts of insomnia that begin with a small thought that trickle into an all-consuming state of being. Learning to relax can be a challenge at times, but two simple new habits can help make a world of a difference!
First, try meditating during the day. This can be a good way to learn how to cope with and let go of these hyper-fixated and intrusive thoughts. Clear your mind of all stress and anxiety and simply focus on your breathing.
Then, in the evening, transform your bedroom into an oasis of rest. Light some candles, diffuse some essential oils, and rest your mind and body on a mattress that supports you like no other.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21) – It’s easy for you to spend more time daydreaming of adventures than actually dreaming. A few hours here and there is enough rest to satisfy your fiery sentiments. But, when you do, you sleep with one eye open (so to speak). After all, you are the cosmic defender of the universe and you have to always be on guard. But I’m here to tell you that it is okay to relax! Put down your armor and give in to the one thing your body needs the most — uninterrupted sleep. Tomorrow’s battles can be handled in the morning. For now, treat yourself to some shuteye with a mattress that turns good nights into better mornings.
Capricorn (December 22–January 19) – Nobody loves to sleep as much as a Capricorn. You love being regimented, so you often stick to the same bedtime every evening, with your alarm going off at the same time every morning. A good diet and moderate physical activity may help you find enough energy during the day to get you back to bed as soon as possible.
Aquarius (January 20–February 18) – "Work hard, sleep hard" is your motto. But, it takes you a while to get into a deep slumber. Watching a nostalgic movie will help you fall asleep. Don't watch a flick in the middle of the day or take a nap—it will keep you up all night. And I’ve got to say, there’s no better way to watch your favourite movie and snuggle up under your favourite blanket than with a Lull mattress!
Pisces (February 19–March 20) – Dreaming is the best way for Pisces to feel refreshed, and lack of them can take a toll on your energy. This is your time to live through your imagination and subconscious. You can sleep more than 10 hours if exhausted and never want to wake up in the morning.
Your astrological sign can tell you a lot about yourself, from who your ideal romantic partner is to whether you're more of a party person or a homebody. And although it can also give you some insights into why you sleep the way you do, what you’re sleeping on could also be a game-changer. When our Lull mattress arrived, we were so excited but little did we know at the time, it would help transform the way we slept. I loved how easy and quick everything was with Lull. From the delivery to the set up, I was thrilled with the convenience of it all. Lull is such an innovative brand and I am happy that I found it.! Now I am sleeping deeply and soundly, thanks to my new insight from my Zodiac sign, but even more importantly from my new Lull mattress.
Getting good sleep can be easy for you too! If you’re hesitant to take the plunge, Lull’s lifetime warranty and 365 night trial can help make those worries disappear. I strongly recommend Lull if you are looking for an upgrade! You’ll see why everyone raves about it!
Let Lull do the work for you and may your stars align when you sleep tonight.
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