10 months ago
I see a lot of posts and memes that focus on negativity. Often people say they are done with being kind or giving second chances and they will only be happy with taking revenge for some wrong or another. This can even generate hate which is never a good thing. While I can become angry with some events and even people I never let it degenerate into hate because that is a destructive situation and usually I am not in full knowledge of all the facts behind what happened.
If someone is unhappy with you or something you have done, you have to be aware that something you thought was Ok may be a major problem with them and understanding that can go a long way to resolving a potential conflict, but it does need a two way conversation to iron out what is causing the conflict, and both sides do need to listen to each other.
Once the areas of conflict are identified then steps can be put in place to resolve what events are causing them. This is seldom easy, but if it can be followed through, greatly rewarding as it can often repair and renew a friendship.
We can often receive compliments and praise in different ways. Sometimes they can make us feel uncomfortable and other times can lift our spirits unbelievably. I believe myself to be not good at anything but I receive so much praise and support from people on a daily basis that I know I am very wrong in my own assessment of myself. I always thank people for their positivity towards me as ignoring them would be rude and that in itself could create conflict.
It is best to take all the good stuff and enjoy it and let it make you feel better and lift your spirits. When your spirits are lifted, you are in a better place to be there for those that need you, and also a better place to be creative or just to enjoy yourself.
If we can praise others and accept praise it means that together we can build greater things and lead fuller lives.
Also resolution of conflicts, being forgiving, accepting differences helps make our lives and situations much better.
I love having good things to look forward to, seeing success for me and others, and being able to support friends and others who are having difficulties wherever I can.
Life is not always perfect, but we can do so much to get us towards that point. Someone may not know how to do something or where to find something and if you can help them reach their goals that is a success for both you and them.
People may have trauma in their lives, be there for them, listen to them. You cannot fix their situation, but if they know you are there for them then that may make their situation a little more bearable.
I try to be there for people, although my support is not always wanted or accepted, but I make sure it is still there.
To move towards positivity we do need a good support network. Friends and family are often a good starting point but below are various support networks that may be of help if you need them.
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