
September 25th , 2024


Hassan Shanunu

4 months ago


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4 months ago



1.1 Meaning of Organization, Management and Administration

1.2 Types of Organizational Structure (Line, Functional, Line and Staff)

1.3 Patterns of Organizational Relationship

1.4 Functions of Departments within an organization

1.5 Types of Organizational Charts/ Organogram

1.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Drawing Organizational Charts/ Organogram

1.7 Principles of Organization 


1.1 Sole proprietorship
1.2 Partnership
1.3 Limited Liability Companies
1.4 State Enterprises
1.5 Co-operative Societies
1.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of the various Business Units
1.7 Sources of Finance for Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Companies


1.1 Trade Associations
1.2 Chamber of Commerce
1.3 Employers and Manufacturers Association
1.4 Association of Ghana Industries



1.1 Functions of the Office
1.2 Office Planning and Layout


1.1 The Meaning of Centralization and Decentralization
1.2 Office Services that can be centralized
1.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Centralization and Decentralization of Office Services




MID SEM                                               20%


END OF SEM EXAM                            60%




















Organization refers to the arrangement of work of an enterprise by which the activities are distributed among people or group of people to whom responsibilities, duties and authority are given. 

In other words organization can be defined as the assembling of people and allocating task to them so as to achieve a particular goal. 


Businesses by whatever name they are known are all part of the general structure of business organization. In a more general term, business organization is used in a wider sense to mean the way in which businesses in general are organized.

Business organization is concerned with looking at problems such as 

• Why some businesses are large and some small
• The different legal forms which businesses take
• The reasons why firms are found in particular locations
• The way businesses differ in their international organization
• The trading difficulties and problems which businesses face




Any organization be it small or large needs to be managed. Management involves the efficient utilization of resources to achieve a stated objective. Resources here refer to people and material i.e. tools etc. Management can also be defined as getting things done through other people. It is to get work done by a group of people in order to achieve the stated objective. To get people to work and achieve ones objective the following becomes vital; planning, organizing, directing, controlling, motivating, coordinating and forecasting.

                               FUNTIONS OF MANAGEMENT


Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. It concentrates on where the organisation is and where it wants to be. Planning is deciding on the objective, what one wants to get or achieve and the activities to be undertaken in order to achieve the objective. Planning comprises of

a. Setting objectives that is the benefits or gains one wants to get or achieve by getting some work done.
b. the formulation of overall policy of the business,that is , the activities or actions to be undertaken in order to get the work done before an objective is achieved.
c. the planning of an organization structure, defining the duties and responsibilities of  the personnel employed and determining the manner in which their activities are to be interrelated.


As an element of management, organisation is providing human and material resources that may be required by the business and building up the work structure; that is dividing the work and defining the duties and responsibilities of the personnel employed and determining the manner in which their activities are to be   interrelated in order to achieve the objective set out in the plan.


This is leading people in a manner that achieves the goal or objectives of the organization.


This means checking to see that plans have been carried out and not attending to any deviations as set out in the objective. Unless an effective control is set up to check achievement against plans forecasting and planning would be useless.

Effective system of control is set up by management to ensure that, management at the appropriate level is supplied promptly with concerning deviations between plan performances. The effective that is a budgetary control check actual results what has been originally planned, can be used as a system to control all aspects of the business. Other systems of control are; credit, stock, cash, audit, control systems etc.



Even though management may carefully forecast, formulate policies and plan elaborated organization structures, the success of these efforts is ultimately in the hands of employees at all levels. So aside planning management must also lead and inspire those upon whom it relies to implement its policy and make the organization work. Good leadership that is the ability to exercise authority smoothly should be the dominating factor in motivation, for it embraces all the motivating forces. For example the recognition of ability, opportunity for airing of grievances, receiving personal problems with sympathetic hearing, the promise of security and environment in which employees work.



This is to bring together, unify and harmonise all activities and efforts. This is a function exercised by a team leader, or in major projects by the Managing Director. Management at all levels must aim at coordination so that all groups and persons work efficiently and economically, in harmony toward the common objective. The method of coordination is principally a question of sound leadership.






Administration is defined as that part of management which is concerned with the installation and carrying out of the procedures by which the programme is laid down and communicated and the progress of activities is regulated and checked against plans. Administration is the function of all below board or top management level who are collectively and individually responsible for implementing the board policy. This includes several senior executives who may in fact be described as ‘managers’ in their own particular departments or areas of activity. E.g., the company secretary(may also be the office manager), the sales manager and the production manager.



An organisation as an entity refers to institutions such as schools, the military, church, hospital, private and public employment agencies and establishments. It also refers to the process of dividing work into convenient task or duties; by grouping such duties in the form of post, delegating authority to each post, and appointing qualified staff to be responsible, for that the work is carried out as planned. In every organisation the work to be done should be grouped into different stages, and each stage given to a person who has the appropriate qualification, experience, capability and ability to work on it. Having done this, it is also necessary to define the responsibilities and the authority each person has to enable him accomplish successfully, the work assigned to him.

According to Henri Fayol (1916), one of the eminent authorities in management, defines management as to forecast and plan, to command, to coordinate and to control. In other words to manage supply, means to guide and have under control. Another writer Breech (1975) also refers to management as a social process which basically consist of planning, controlling, coordinating and motivating so that expected results may be achieved successfully.  Taylor (1856-1915), defines management as the determination of the overall policy of a business organisation.


Management is, sometimes, simply defined as getting things done through other people. It is concerned with getting the best out of people so that they contribute towards achieving objectives of the business. A manager, therefore, is someone who is responsible for creating the environment in which individuals can work together effectively and efficiently to achieve organisational objectives.Management take place at the top hierarchy of an organisation and it is referred to as top management. Top management usually refers to the board of directors or the highest ruling body of an organisation. Policy decisions usually come from the top management and are implemented by the middle- level management team made up of the departmental or the functional managers, such as the Finance Managers, the Administrative Manager and the Production Manager. The middle-level management gets things done through the supervisors or the foreman who direct and control the shop floor employee who actually do the work.


Management and administration are sometimes used interchangeably at difficult levels. Hall(1973) refers to administration as a function performed by all personnel below the board of directors. He therefore subscribes to the motion that management occurs at the very top level of an organisational structure which included the members of the board of directors who initiate policies. Administration is the process by which an organisation tries to achieve its objectives successfully. 

Administration is concerned with how to plan and organise resources such as personnel, machinery, buildings, vehicles and other facilities to achieve the purpose for which an organisation was established. Administration actually put into action what is to be done and provides the necessary guidance to ensure that what is to be done is done successfully.


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Hassan Shanunu


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