
October 18th , 2024



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5 months ago

God spoke to man in times past to his people through the prophets and seers. Individuals who desires to hear from God had to presents gift as a token to the prophets to receive prophetic message as in the case of King Saul.

Today, the Lord speaks to humanity in diverse ways. The will and purpose of God is revealed to mankind through several means. Let's set the ball rolling.

(1) Holy Bible/Scriptures.

Today, the will of God  has been revealed to man through the holy scriptures. These scriptures were written by holy men of God as they were inspired by the spirit of the living God.

The Almighty father speaks directly to humans through the holy scriptures and obedience to God is a pious art of worship. It shows our love and gratitude to him as the creator and the giver of life. If you love God, obey his commandments.

(2) Dreams, visions and Trances.

The omnipotent God also speaks to man through dreams when deep sleep falls on a person. The soul of the person sleeping may directly communicate with God and he will wake up classifying the information as a dream. Prophet Joel gave a vivid prophesy about the outpouring of God's spirit upon all flesh to enable them dream dreams and see visions(Joel 2).

Visions are direct revelations received from God when the body is completely awake. The spiritual senses of the person communicate with God to receive spiritual messages from the living God.

Trances are visions received when a person is awake but immediately feels sleepy and dizzy. Immediately the vision is received, the person realises it and knows it's a vision. Trance in short is a form of vision. 

(3) Prophets.

God still speaks to us today through his chosen prophets in the new testament. In 1 Corinthians 12, the office of the prophets still exist and functions perfectly. God speaks his mind through the prophets to his children.

The prophetic office is still relevant today as the scriptures forbids us from" despising prophesy"(1 Thessalonians 5).

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Williams Ampomah

Content writer

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