10 months ago
Angelic visitation is a rare phenomenon since creation. The omnipotent God on few occasions sent angelic beings to mortal men for specific assignments and purposes. Mary, Joseph, Cornelius, Manoah, John, Abraham all received angelic visitation in their lifetime. The decision to send angelic beings to mortal men sorely rest on the omnipotent God however a critical assessment of the scriptures proves that these people had specific divine traits which single them out as holy and righteous people.
(1) Prayer and Fasting.
Prayer and fasting is a pious act which surrenders a person's will to God and bring the person in total submission to him. This holy practice usually move God to bring an answer through an angel as in the case of Daniel(Daniel 12).
Manoah and his wife prayed assiduously to God for the fruit of the womb and an angel was sent to deliver an answer (Judges 13). Sampson was born out of their prayers through the angelic visitation.
(2) Holiness, God-fearing and Almsgiving.
In the book of Acts chapter 10, the holy Bible is clear that Cornelius was a devout man who feared God and gave alms to the people.
His Holiness and Almsgiving served as a memorial before God and in one midday prayer, Cornelius received angelic visitation with specific answers to his long time prayer. The angel gave him a specific address for the location of Apostle Peter whose invitation brought the outpouring of the holy spirit into Cornelius household.
(3) Hospitability.
In the book of Genesis chapter 21, the Bible clarifies that Abraham saw three angels passing by and made haste to invite them into his household. He thereafter killed meat and fed them. The angels blessed Sarah with a promise of a child and exactly one year, Isaac was born. This shows that Abraham Hospitability brought angelic visitation into his house.
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