10 months ago
?Seeing snakes in a dream have interesting meanings. The wisest of all the beast of the field is the snake. It is crafty and full of wisdom. The deadly venom of snake can harm you for underestimating this reptile.
The size and aggressiveness of the snake will help to explain the true meaning of the dream. Let's set the ball rolling.
When you see a large snake like a python talking to you in a dream. This represents a powerful territorial demonic spirit occupying a specific geographical area. This spirit may try to obstruct you from bringing a strange or opposing power into the area. When you wake up from the dream, pray seriously to resist the devil and take dominion over the territory. Rebuke the devil. Don't be afraid because greater is he which is in you than he that is in the world (2 Kings 6:16).
When you dream and see a large snake like a python on a bank of river trying to chase you away or seeking to destroy you. In this dream, what it means is that your enemies have contracted this marine spirit to punish you for your wrong attitude towards them. When you wake up from the dream, take a seed offering to church and hand over the battle into God's hands. Remember, the single snake from the rod of Moses could swallow the several snakes from Pharaoh's magicians.
When you see a small snake trying to bite you aggressively but unsuccessful. In this dream, your enemies have plotted evil trap against you. When you wake up, pray first. Be watchful never to entertain any verbal altercation from any person. If you exchange words with them, he or her will spue the venom in her mouth to poison your life.
If you see a snake hiding on a tree in a dream, then your enemies have set up a spiritual surveillance to monitor your progress. Be prayerful when you wake up from sleep.
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