
March 15th , 2025



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9 months ago

The work of God is a spiritual journey which requires supernatural power to be successful. God has selected many people to serve in the fivefold ministry- apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist and pastor. The simple reality is that, the calling of God requires great preparation to reach the Pinnacle of success and power. Simple preaching of the scriptures without manifesting the authority in the word is not enough. Your preaching should demonstrate the supernatural power in the word of God. Paul said " my preaching was not with persuasive word of human wisdom but in demonstrating of the power and the spirit..." Working in the vineyard of the Lord without power and authority brings little results. When Peter got spiritual power from heaven, his first preaching converted three thousand souls in just a single day(Acts chapter 3&4). John the Baptist said to the Pharisees, " a man can do nothing except it be giving to him from heaven". Spiritual power must be desired earnestly. Let's see how to become spiritually gifted as a child of God to give your best to promote the kingdom of God.

(1) Prayer and Fasting with sanctification.

To become spiritually gifted in ministry, consistent prayers and fasting will bring the anointing from heaven. In Acts 1:8, the scripture says, " you shall receive power after which the holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall witness into me in Jerusalem, Judea and to the uttermost part of the world". After the upper room experience, the disciples of the Lord received great supernatural power to begin their evangelism assignment. Fasting connects your soul to heaven and enable you to receive divine grace and capacity from the throne of God. 

While praying and fasting, live a clean, righteous and sanctified life. Avoid any spiritually unclean behaviour. God is holy and your holiness could attracts his power into your life for mighty signs and wonders.

(2) Develop a habit of praying in the middle of the night.

If you desire a deep spiritual gift from heaven, rise up in the midnight hours to pour your heart desires to the Almighty father. Midnight is a period of intense spiritual activities between the demonic kingdom and the kingdom of God. The demons and the holy angels battles for the souls of humanity. As a child of God, praying within this hours will empower you to help deliver God's people. Midnight prayers brings great power and authority in the lives of God's people.

(3) Learn to support the work of God with your resources.

Cultivate the habit of giving some of your resources to promote the work of God everywhere you go. Give your best resource to God and the Almighty father will give you the wonderful gifts beyond your imagination.

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Williams Ampomah

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