9 months ago
Demonic spirits are cluster of eerie forces roaming the universe in the unseen realm. Some of them were once holy angels in heaven who mistakenly followed Lucifer's deception and rebellion. After the rebellion, Michael cast them out of the celestial city. The demons began to wander over the surface of the earth seeking rest and shelter. Some dwelled in the seas, forest, rivers, mountains, rocks, trees etc. (Revelation 12).These spirits have lost their eternal habitation in heaven ( Revelation 20:10). The Bible gives a clear description of demonic spirits and how God will finally destroy them at the end of time. These unseen spirits know that they have lost eternity with God and only awaiting their doom on the judgement day.
(1) Demons are capable of performing signs and wonders.
Demonic spirits are able to perform signs and wonders through the false prophets. In the book of Revelation, the Bible says they are like frogs performing signs and wonders through the mouth of the false prophets. Demons are able to perform signs to deceive people in false churches. It is not every miracle that comes from God. Some are demonically motivated just to deceive God's children. Men must test the spirit to see whether they are of God.
(2) Demons desire to use human beings as their house.
Demons have a strong desire to possess people and dwell in them. When a demon is cast out of a man, it goes through solitary places and say to himself, I will go back to my house and see if it is swept and empty. If he finds the the victim empty, the demon will go and bring seven stronger demons than himself to dwell in the person and the last state of the person becomes worst than the first( Mathew 12:43).
(3) Some Demons are geographically confined to specific places.
Most demons are confined to specific locations to influence the lives and behaviour of people living in that area. When the Lord Jesus was crossing the sea to the Gadarene region by boat, the demonic spirit in the area opposed them by bringing heavy tidal waves to destroy them. Jesus rose up and rebuke the sea to restore calmness. Immediately they got out of the boat, the Lord rebuke the legion spirit in the mad person who lives at the opposite seashore.
(4) Demons have revelatory knowledge about people.
Most demons have deeper revelations about people and can give accurate information as prophetic message through false prophets just to deceive people.
When the demons encountered the Lord Jesus Christ, they immediately confessed, " son of the most high God, what have we got to do with you? Have you come to destroy us before our time?
In Acts 19, the demons told the seven sons of Sceva, " Jesus I know, Paul I know and who are you? This proves that demons have deeper secretive knowledge about people.
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