
March 15th , 2025



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9 months ago

Before the war broke out in heaven, Lucifer was the anointed cherub who directed worship and praise in heaven to the glorious throne of God. Infact he stood on the holy mountain of God and walked among the fiery stones in the presence of the Almighty God, the creator of the universe (Ezekiel 28:14, Revelation 12:1). The most anointed of the cherubims was Lucifer with coals of fire in his hands. He looked so splendid and beautiful to behold. God filled him with the seal of wisdom and intelligence among the angels. 

The truth is that all this splendour and grandeur was short-lived. Lucifer rebelled, backslided due to arrogance and became the devil or Satan. He was full of pride because of his beauty and wisdom and soon decided to sit on the magnificent throne of God to be like the most high God. The moment Lucifer made this decision to sit on the throne of the Almighty God, Michael resisted him and fought with all the angels that followed him. After the war, Lucifer was defeated and his beautiful morphology was changed to an ugly dragon and Satan or the devil. He was cast out of heaven with one third of the angels in heaven who followed him to rebel against God(Revelation 12).

As soon as the truth was dawned on him that he has lost his eternal abode in heaven, he was annoyed and decided to mount a further rebellion against God by influencing God's creation to disobey him. This anger in the devil is directed against three specific people. These people are invisible enemies of Satan. Lets these three specific enemies of the devil.

(1) The first born son who opens the womb of a woman.

The enemy of the devil is the first born son who opens the womb of her mother. According to the scripture, any first born son is holy and dedicated to God. The devil hate these people as they carry the glory of God.

(2) The woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ.

The second enemy of the devil is the woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ. The seed of the woman bruised the head of the serpent. This prophesy was fulfilled when Jesus was born of Virgin Mary. The devil hates every woman who continue to give birth to men who becomes servants of God.

(3) Servants of God.

The third enemy of the devil is the servants of God who work tirelessly to destroy satanic activities on earth. These powerful servants of God continue to bind the demons and loose or deliver God's children in demonic bondage. If the devil is able to strike the shepherd, the flock shall be scattered. The main intention of the devil is to prevent the servants of God from doing the will of the living God.

The devil also hates people who have repented through the preaching of the servants of God. Anyone who faithfully follow the teachings of the holy Bible is an enemy of the devil. Satan seeks to fight these children of God from following the father.

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Williams Ampomah

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