
March 15th , 2025



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9 months ago

The omnipotent God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. " God succinctly declared in the book of Isaiah chapter 66 verse one saying "Heaven is my throne and the Earth is my footstool" The first and second heavens refers to the skies and dwelling place of the fallen angels respectively. God dwells in the third heaven. Jesus confirmed that there are several mansions in heaven for God's faithful servants and children (John 14). God designed heaven with splendour and grandeur. The civilisation of the heavenly beauty is beyond human reasoning and understanding. God's presence and glory overshadows the city and make it uniquely supernatural in texture and structure. Anyone who doubts the existing of heaven is deceiving himself. It is real according to the holy scriptures. The  Bible gives a clear picture of the celestial city and the multitude of angels who dwells in the presence of God. Heaven has been fantastically designed to suit the eternal character of the omnipotent God. Everything in heaven has eternal life in it. 

There are some amazing secrets of the celestial city. These powerful secrets make heaven more wonderful in glory to be desired. Let's see some of these amazing and powerful secrets about heaven.

(1) There is a staircase or ladder that connects heaven to the earth.

In the spiritual realm, heaven is directly connected to the earth through a staircase or a ladder and angels descends and ascends upon this ladder all the time. This spiritual ladder was seen by the patriarch Jacob in a dream and named the place Bethel(Genesis 37). Jacob saw multitude of angelic beings descending and ascending through this long staircase to heaven. One secret about this staircase is that, every genuine servant of God who is spiritually gifted carry the presence of God and this presence of God is the ladder. Such a servant is directly connected to God all the time through his or her prayers.

(2) There is no night in heaven.

There is no night in the celestial city. The glory of God gives light to the inhabitants of the city all the time and there is no darkness over there.  The alternating of night and day causes weeks, months and years on earth but in heaven there is only day without night. The glory of God blossoms the city and gives it unique brightness and luminosity. Heaven is full of light through the glory of the Almighty God.

(3) The city is filled with Gold and expensive precious minerals.

The city of heaven is designed with gold on the entire floor of the city. The houses are built with gold and other precious minerals. The inhabitants walk on pure gold all the time. The city is completely clean and amazing.

(4) There is no sickness or death in the heavenly city.

The city of heaven is without sickness or diseases. There is no death in heaven. There is eternal life in heavenly inhabitants. The tree of life in the middle of the city bears twelve fruits every month for the healing of the nations. Everyone who eats from the tree of life in heaven will never die.

(5) Everything in heaven does not reduce in size and quality.

The celestial city is full of abundance and quality. When you want to drink for example a tin of milk, as you pour the milk into a cup, the tin becomes full again. It will not reduce in size and quality. Everything in heaven is full of completenes. 

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Williams Ampomah

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