9 months ago
Spiritual gift is a divine capacity endowed upon child of God through the holy spirit. This is a unique power that enable God's servant to exercise great spiritual power and authority over the forces of darkness. A spiritual gift gives strong anointing to break spiritual yokes and set the captives free from demonic oppression (Isaiah 10:27).
When the holy spirit gives spiritual gift to a vessel, the onus rest on the person to know the things which can quench the gift and bring down the anointing upon the person. An anointed man of God is a chosen vessel unto God himself. A life of consecration and separation is required to preserve the unction of God. If you are a servant in the Lord's vineyard, take your cross, forsake the flesh and follow the master. The prince of this world is coming but he should get nothing in your possession. There are some lovely things in this world which has destructive power to bring down the spiritual gifts and unction upon a servant of the most high God. Let's see some lovely things which can destroy powerful unction or spiritual gift in a person.
One powerful weapon which can destroy an anointed servant of God is ungodly sexual encounter with a strange man or woman. Sex was designed by God for married couples exclusively. If a servant of God allows himself to be enticed by the list of the flesh and succumb to fornication or adultery, that will easily mark the beginning of his fallen ministry. Remember the story of Sampson. How Delilah manipulated him to destroy his powerful anointing through sex and alcohol. As a man of God, exercise great self restraint in every situation. Control your sexual urges all the time through prayers and fasting.
Another lovely thing that can bring down a servant of God is insatiable desire for the beautiful things of this world. If a man of God is controlled by the beautiful pleasures of the eyes, like expensive automobiles, mansions,etc, then he cannot love God and Mammon at the same time. All the exquisite elegance of this world will easily steal the mind and heart of anointed servants.(1 John 2:15).
(3) MONEY.
Money is good and needed to promote the work of God but the evil desire for it is wrong and can lead you astray. For example as a servant of God, the tithes and offerings is to promote the kingdom business and not to satisfy your selfish personal aggrandizements. The resources of the church should not be channel to your personal benefits. When this happens, the anointing will gradually diminished.
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