
September 27th , 2024



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In an imaginative twist that’s captured the hearts of Marvel enthusiasts, the ‘Deadpool 3’ trailer has been brilliantly re-envisioned in Lego, proving once again that creativity knows no bounds. Trevor Carlee, a talented 3D artist and animator, has meticulously crafted a shot-for-shot Lego remake of the much-anticipated movie’s teaser, injecting a playful dose of Lego humor that resonates with fans and newcomers alike. From wigs made of Lego hairpieces to rubble represented by building blocks, Carlee’s version is a delightful homage to the original.

Director’s Seal of Approval: A Masterpiece in Brick Form

The Lego remake has not only charmed fans across social media but has also earned high praise from ‘Deadpool 3’ director Shawn Levy, who expressed his admiration by declaring the remake “INCREDIBLE.” This nod from the director serves as the ultimate commendation, highlighting the remake’s exceptional quality and the universal appeal of Lego’s whimsical charm.

The Original and Its Lego Counterpart: A Unique Tribute'Deadpool 3' Trailer Gets a Brick-Tastic RemakeWhile Trevor Carlee leads the charge with his complete trailer remake, he's not alone in the Lego reinterpretation arena. Other animators, inspired by Carlee’s success, have begun crafting their own brick versions, showcasing the creativity and enthusiasm of the fan community. The original 'Deadpool 3' trailer, which debuted during the 2024 Superbowl, teases an action-packed adventure with Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool making his grand entrance into the MCU, alongside Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and other iconic characters. As anticipation for the film's release grows, this Lego rendition offers fans a delightful preview in a uniquely engaging format.

As 'Deadpool 3' prepares to hit cinemas in the UK and US, the Lego trailer stands as a testament to the enduring creativity and passion of both Marvel and Lego fans. For those eager to dive deeper into the Marvel Universe, be sure to explore the chronology of Marvel movies or stay updated with our comprehensive guide to the MCU's upcoming releases.

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