
June 26th , 2024



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In a commendable act of vigilance and swift action, the Ghana Police Service has successfully apprehended Imarana Abdulai Gomda in Tamale, Northern Region, for the illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. This arrest marks a significant stride in the ongoing efforts to curb illegal arms proliferation and enhance public safety in the region.

The arrest took place at the Datoyili barrier on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Acting on a tip-off, the police set up a strategic checkpoint at the barrier, which led to the interception and subsequent search of Gomda's vehicle. During the search, officers discovered two SMG rifles, six rounds of 9mm ammunition, and two empty magazines. The suspect was immediately taken into custody and is currently assisting the police with further investigations.

This operation underscores the Ghana Police Service's commitment to maintaining peace and security in the Northern Region. The swift and decisive action taken by the officers at the Datoyili barrier is a testament to their dedication and vigilance. Such proactive measures are crucial in preventing potential threats and ensuring that firearms do not fall into the wrong hands.

Superintendent Kwame Antwi, the officer in charge of the operation, praised the efforts of his team. "This arrest is a clear demonstration of our unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our communities. The possession of illegal firearms poses a significant threat, and we are determined to rid our society of such dangers," he stated. He further urged the public to continue cooperating with law enforcement agencies by providing timely information and remaining vigilant.

Community leaders and residents in Tamale have also expressed their gratitude and relief following the arrest. Many have lauded the police for their proactive approach and their role in preventing potential violence. "We feel safer knowing that the police are actively working to keep illegal weapons off our streets. This arrest sends a strong message to those who think they can break the law with impunity," remarked Alhaji Sulemana, a local community leader.

The successful operation at Datoyili barrier highlights the importance of collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the public. It also reinforces the need for continuous training and equipping of the police force to handle such critical situations effectively.

As investigations continue, the Ghana Police Service remains steadfast in its mission to uphold law and order. The arrest of Imarana Abdulai Gomda serves as a reminder that illegal activities will not be tolerated, and those who engage in such acts will face the full force of the law. This incident is a beacon of hope for many, showcasing the positive impact of diligent police work in safeguarding communities across Ghana.

Meet the Author

Nicholas Baiden


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