
June 26th , 2024



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3 weeks ago

In a historic ruling that has captivated South Korea, Chey Tae-won, the billionaire chairman of SK Group, one of the country's largest conglomerates, has been ordered to pay his ex-wife 1.38 trillion won ($1 billion) in a divorce settlement. This landmark decision not only sets a precedent in South Korea's legal and financial landscape but also brings attention to issues of fairness and equity in high-profile divorces.

Chey Tae-won, whose conglomerate spans a wide range of industries including energy, telecommunications, and semiconductors, is a prominent figure in South Korea’s corporate world. His ex-wife, Roh Soh-yeong, is equally distinguished, being the director of the Art Center Nabi in Seoul and a respected figure in the cultural sphere. The couple's separation, after 34 years of marriage, has been closely followed by the media, making this settlement a significant public event.

The court’s decision to award such a substantial sum underscores a broader shift in South Korea towards recognizing the contributions of spouses in marriages, particularly in the context of lengthy unions where one partner's career often benefits from the other's support. This ruling highlights the evolving legal framework in South Korea, which is increasingly aligning with international standards of equitable distribution of assets in divorce proceedings.

Roh Soh-yeong’s role in the marriage, while perhaps less visible than her husband's high-profile business dealings, was no less significant. Her involvement in cultural and philanthropic activities has had a profound impact on South Korean society. The settlement can be seen as an acknowledgment of her contributions and sacrifices over the years, which facilitated the growth and stability of the SK Group during Chey Tae-won’s tenure.

The settlement also marks a positive step towards gender equity, sending a strong message that the contributions of both partners in a marriage are valuable and deserving of recognition, regardless of their visibility. It serves as a reminder that behind the success of many high-powered executives are supportive spouses whose efforts are integral to that success.

This outcome could have far-reaching implications for other high-net-worth individuals in South Korea, potentially influencing future divorce settlements to ensure fairer financial compensation. It also opens up conversations about the importance of recognizing and valuing unpaid labor, typically performed by women, in the success of business ventures and family enterprises.

For Roh Soh-yeong, the settlement provides a substantial foundation for her continued philanthropic and cultural endeavors. For Chey Tae-won, it marks a new chapter in his personal life and a moment to reflect on the broader implications of wealth, equity, and fairness in relationships.

Overall, this record-breaking settlement is a milestone in South Korea’s legal history, promoting fairness and recognizing the often-overlooked contributions of spouses in successful marriages.

Meet the Author

Nicholas Baiden


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