
June 26th , 2024



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Femi, a young Nigerian man, found himself in a dilemma that many can relate to: trying to move on from a relationship that had left him heartbroken, yet still finding himself deeply in love. His girlfriend, Ella, had ended things abruptly, blocking him on all social media platforms and even going as far as blocking his mother. Despite the pain and confusion, Femi’s love for Ella persisted.

Desperate to reconnect, Femi created a new TikTok account, hoping to catch Ella’s attention. He spent hours crafting a heartfelt message, explaining his feelings and pleading for another chance. When he finally sent the message, he waited anxiously, checking his phone every few minutes for a response.

Ella eventually responded, and the conversation that followed was both emotional and revealing.

“Ella, I still love you. I don’t want to, but I can’t help it,” Femi typed, his heart pounding. “I know I made mistakes, but I’m willing to do anything to make things right.”

Ella’s reply was cold but honest. “Femi, you need to let go. We weren’t good for each other. I’ve moved on, and you should too.”

Femi felt a surge of desperation. “Please, Ella. We can fix this. We had so many good times together. Don’t you remember?”

Ella hesitated before responding. “I remember, Femi. But I also remember the fights, the hurt. We weren’t happy, and it’s better this way.”

Tears filled Femi’s eyes as he read her words. “I know we had our issues, but I’ve changed. I’ve been working on myself. Just give me one more chance.”

Ella sighed, and Femi could almost hear it through the text. “Femi, it’s not just about you changing. I’ve changed too. I need different things now, and you’re not part of that picture.”

The conversation went on for hours, with Femi pouring his heart out, and Ella standing firm in her decision. Despite his best efforts, Ella was resolute. She had moved on and was not willing to revisit the past.

In the end, Femi realized that no amount of pleading would change Ella’s mind. It was a painful lesson, but one he needed to learn. Loving someone who no longer loved him back was not only futile but also damaging to his own well-being. He needed to accept the end of their relationship and start the difficult process of moving on.

Though the experience was heart-wrenching, Femi found a sliver of hope. Through his conversation with Ella, he understood that love alone wasn't enough to sustain a relationship. It required mutual effort, respect, and a shared vision for the future. Armed with this insight, Femi resolved to focus on healing and personal growth, knowing that one day, he would find someone who would love him just as deeply as he loved them.

Meet the Author

Nicholas Baiden


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