
September 27th , 2024


Nicholas Baiden

3 months ago


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In a heartwarming celebration of love, Ashabi, the fourth baby mama of Nigerian artist Portable, poured out her heart in a heartfelt message as they marked two beautiful years of their relationship. In her touching tribute, she expressed profound gratitude and joy for the bond they share, emphasizing the happiness and fulfillment she has found since they met.

"I bless the day I met you because you've been my happiness ever since. I don’t regret choosing you. I love you," Ashabi wrote, encapsulating the deep affection and unwavering commitment she feels for Portable. Her words, filled with sincerity and warmth, resonate with anyone who has experienced the transformative power of true love.

Their journey together has been one of mutual support, understanding, and growth. Over the past two years, they have navigated life's challenges and celebrated its joys hand in hand, building a relationship rooted in respect and affection. Ashabi's heartfelt message highlights not only her personal joy but also the strength of their connection.

Portable, known for his vibrant music and dynamic persona, has also been vocal about the significance of Ashabi in his life. He often credits her with bringing balance and joy into his world, providing a solid foundation amidst the whirlwind of his career. Their relationship stands as a testament to the power of love to anchor and uplift, even in the most demanding circumstances.

As they celebrate this milestone, their story offers a beautiful reminder that love, when nurtured with care and sincerity, can be a source of profound happiness and stability. Ashabi’s declaration is a testament to the deep and abiding affection they share, a love that has flourished over time and continues to grow stronger.

Their celebration of two years together is more than just a marker of time; it is a celebration of a journey filled with shared dreams, laughter, and unwavering support. Ashabi and Portable’s love story is an inspiring reminder of the joy that comes from choosing to love deeply and without reservation.

In a world where love can often be tested by time and circumstances, their relationship shines as a beacon of hope and happiness. Ashabi's poignant words not only celebrate their past but also look forward to a future filled with continued love and companionship. As they commemorate this special day, their story invites others to reflect on the blessings of love and the joy of sharing life with someone who truly makes every day brighter.

Meet the Author

Nicholas Baiden


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