
June 26th , 2024



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In a momentous event, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the revered Asantehene, honored SOS - Hermann Gmeiner International College's Graduation, Speech, and Prize Giving Day with his esteemed presence on June 8, 2024. The ceremony was marked by a spirit of celebration, pride, and inspiration, leaving an indelible mark on all attendees.

As the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II's presence was a significant highlight, emphasizing the importance of education and personal development. His keynote address resonated deeply with the graduands as he emphasized the critical value of self-discipline in navigating life's challenges. "Cultivate self-discipline," he urged, "for it is the bedrock upon which you will overcome life's many obstacles."

The day was further distinguished by the attendance of distinguished guests, including the traditional leaders, Nananom, who added cultural gravitas to the event. The academic leadership of the college, represented by Principal Mrs. Elizabeth Dadson and Vice Principals Mr. Richard Sarpong and Mrs. Adzo Ashie, reflected on the achievements of the students and the institution's ongoing commitment to excellence.

Hon. Francis Asenso Boakye, Minister for Roads and Highways, also graced the occasion, lending his support and congratulations to the graduands. His presence underscored the government's recognition of the role of education in national development and the empowerment of future leaders.

Among the graduates was Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem Osei Tutu, daughter of the Asantehene. Her accomplishments were celebrated with immense pride by her family and the broader community. The event was particularly special for her, as her father's inspirational words and presence added a profound personal significance to her graduation day.

Principal Mrs. Elizabeth Dadson praised the students for their hard work and resilience. "You have shown remarkable dedication and have earned this moment of triumph. The future holds great promise for each of you," she declared.

The ceremony was punctuated with musical performances, awards, and speeches that celebrated the students' journeys and their potential to effect positive change in society. The atmosphere was one of jubilation and hope, as families, friends, and faculty gathered to honor the achievements of the graduands.

As the event concluded, the graduates left with a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration, ready to face the future with the self-discipline and determination championed by Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. The day was a testament to the power of education and community, heralding a bright future for the young leaders of SOS - Hermann Gmeiner International College.

Meet the Author

Nicholas Baiden


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