
September 28th , 2024


Nicholas Baiden

3 months ago


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3 months ago

In a spirited display of unity and determination, the "Hands off our hotels" movement gathered a large crowd of protesters in front of the iconic Labadi Beach Hotel. The demonstration aimed to voice strong opposition to the proposed sale of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust's (SSNIT) 60% stake in four prominent hotels to Rock City Hotel, a venture owned by Bryan Acheampong, the current Agriculture Minister.

The protesters, a diverse group of citizens, included hotel employees, local business owners, community leaders, and concerned residents. They carried vibrant banners and chanted slogans that echoed their collective sentiment: "Our hotels are not for sale!" The atmosphere was charged with a sense of purpose as demonstrators passionately defended what they see as vital national assets.

Speakers at the event highlighted the cultural and economic significance of the hotels, which have been cornerstones of Ghana's tourism industry for decades. "These hotels represent more than just buildings; they are part of our national heritage and identity," said one of the protest leaders. "We cannot allow them to be sold off without considering the broader implications for our economy and our community."

The demonstration was notable for its peaceful and orderly conduct. Participants maintained a respectful demeanor, underscoring their commitment to constructive dialogue and democratic processes. Local musicians and artists also lent their support, performing at the event to boost morale and draw more attention to the cause.

A petition circulating among the crowd quickly garnered thousands of signatures, reflecting widespread public support. The petition calls for a thorough review of the proposed sale and urges the government to prioritize transparency and public interest in its decision-making process.

The "Hands off our hotels" protest has already sparked a broader conversation about public assets and the role of government in managing national resources. It serves as a reminder of the power of grassroots movements to influence policy and protect community interests.

As the demonstration concluded, organizers expressed optimism about their impact. "Today marks the beginning of a movement," one organizer declared. "We will continue to raise our voices and fight for what is right. Our message is clear: Hands off our hotels!"

The peaceful and passionate protest at Labadi Beach Hotel not only highlighted the community's resolve but also set a powerful precedent for civic engagement in Ghana.

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Nicholas Baiden


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