
September 28th , 2024


Nicholas Baiden

3 months ago


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3 months ago

In a heartening turn of events during the 'Hands Off Our Hotels' demonstration in Accra, swift action by emergency services ensured the safety of three Ghanaians who collapsed from hunger. The demonstration, aimed at protesting the sale of local hotels to foreign entities, began early in the morning, causing some protesters to skip breakfast.

As the protest intensified, two men and one woman were seen losing consciousness. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, fellow demonstrators quickly alerted on-site medical personnel. Ambulances were immediately dispatched, transporting the unconscious individuals to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Eyewitnesses praised the rapid response of the emergency services, noting that their timely intervention was crucial in preventing more severe outcomes. "The way the paramedics handled the situation was commendable. They arrived in minutes and knew exactly what to do," said one demonstrator.

The incident has sparked a broader conversation among Ghanaians about the importance of preparation and self-care, especially during such intense activities. Videos of the event circulated online, with many users expressing their relief that the individuals received prompt care. Some praised the demonstrators for their dedication, even if it meant facing personal hardship, while others stressed the importance of not neglecting one's health.

“It's admirable to see people stand up for what they believe in, but we must also take care of ourselves. Let's not overlook the importance of eating and staying hydrated,” commented one user on social media.

Medical professionals attending to the collapsed protesters confirmed that all three were in stable condition and responding well to treatment. They emphasized the importance of proper nourishment and hydration, particularly before engaging in strenuous activities such as demonstrations.

This incident highlights both the passion of the Ghanaian people in fighting for their causes and the crucial role of emergency services in ensuring public safety. The quick thinking of the on-site medical team and the support from fellow protesters underscored a strong sense of community and solidarity.

In a gesture of goodwill, local businesses and community members have since organized to provide food and water to protesters in future demonstrations, ensuring that those standing up for their beliefs do so in the best possible health. This collective effort is a testament to the resilience and unity of the Ghanaian people, who continue to support one another in times of need.

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Nicholas Baiden


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