
July 7th , 2024



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5 days ago

Stress Can Hurt You

For most of us, we have always been told, we have to work harder and push harder if we want something. In most scenarios that is true. Stress in the body is a really important variable that often gets overlooked. Stress causes the body to release specific hormones such as cortisol which don’t help us when in comes to burning that stubborn fat. We all have our variables in our everyday life that will add to the stress we deal with. Work stress, workout stress, family stress, financial stress, stress of failure. The body reads it all the same.

That means that yes, going too hard in the gym nonstop can actually keep you from dropping belly fat.

The Best Exercises to Burn Belly Fat

Because belly fat can’t just be burned by endless workouts, you want to choose smart, efficient exercises that burn heavy calories, rev up your metabolism, and help build muscle, too. It’s that blend of traits that will eventually help you erase excess belly fat. Here are the top moves you want to have in your workouts to blast bellSpot Reduction Isn’t a Thing

So if I do only crunches and planks I’ll erase belly fat and have a sick set of abs? Sadly, no. The body doesn’t burn fat from specific areas because you work on just that area. There’s very limited research in favor of spot reduction, so don’t bank on it. Instead, aim to do general full-body exercises that burn fat all-around. You may not drop fat from your belly first, but your goal should be to burn fat period. Eventually, that approach will have you erasing the belly fat you want to eliminate.

Expect to notice fat loss on your face and neck first, but trust the process nevertheless.The second way is to include exercises that you are “relatively inefficient at,” Samuel says. Movements we don’t perform often burn more calories than the ones we repeat often. “Think about it: Kipchoge’s body is optimized to run miles, so he's gonna burn fewer calories during his one-mile run than, say, you or me.”

Shedding fat will take more than just putting in work in the gym, though. Belly fat can be stubborn and hard to lose, especially as you get older. Our bodies are programmed to store fat, whether we like it or not, since fat is the most abundant source of energy we can tap into for day-to-day functioning.

That means it doesn’t typically want to go away, and we have to work both smartly and intensely to limit our fat stores. To be clear, this doesn’t mean you should stop eating and do six-hour workouts. It’s more about building up muscle mass while limiting extra fat storage.

How You Can Optimize Fat Loss

Successful fat loss occurs when we maintain as much muscle mass as possible while cutting away the extra storage of body fat we have. And that starts with controlling and understanding your metabolism.Even with the rise of the infamous "dad bod," not everyone is content with their physiques. And the appearance of your "spare tire" isn't even the most pressing concern. Belly fat, otherwise known as visceral fat, affects more than how we feel when we look in the mirror. It protects and insulates our internal organs—but too much has been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

Of course, losing fat means creating a calorie deficit. There are two ways to work smarter to burn more calories in the gym, says Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., MH fitness director.

The first way involves incorporating compound movements into our training. Compound exercises involve motion at multiple joints. Think about how a squat involves movement in the hips, knees, and ankles—this requires recruitment from several muscle groups. Incorporate power and force to these movements by adding load or plyometrics, and we theoretically will produce more calorie burn fat.

Meet the Author

Bernice Amegah


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