
September 8th , 2024


Wun Nam

2 months ago


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2 months ago

Climate-related activism is a growing concern for companies and will continue to be as the effects of climate change become more visible.  2024 is likely to set new records for global temperatures due to the hangover from strong El Nino conditions. Perceived inaction – or even backsliding – on climate commitments by governments and companies increases the likelihood of both mainstream protests and more targeted actions. Companies should anticipate a rise in disruptive direct action, such as interruptions of conferences/meetings, targeting of senior management’s homes, transport and infrastructure blockades, as well as property destruction. The sectors at highest threat continue to be those involved in energy, extractives, transportation, tech and construction. Governments will also remain a key target for activists.

More Disruptive Environmental Activism: Catalysts for Change


Define disruptive environmental activism and its role in shaping environmental policies.

Importance of examining recent trends and tactics in environmental activism.

1. Evolution of Environmental Activism

Historical Context:

Overview of key movements and milestones in environmental activism.

Influence of grassroots movements and advocacy groups.

Shift Towards Direct Action:

Rise of direct action tactics such as protests, sit-ins, and civil disobedience.

Effectiveness of disruptive strategies in garnering public attention and influencing policy makers.

2. Contemporary Examples of Disruptive Tactics

Extinction Rebellion:

Analysis of Extinction Rebellion’s tactics and impact on climate policy.

Global protests and campaigns for climate action and biodiversity protection.

Indigenous Activism:

Role of indigenous communities in environmental conservation and resistance against extractive industries.

Examples of successful indigenous-led protests and movements.

3. Technological Influence

Social Media and Digital Activism:

Utilization of social media platforms for mobilizing activism and raising awareness.

Viral campaigns and digital storytelling in amplifying environmental causes.

Drone Activism:

Use of drones for aerial protests and monitoring environmental degradation.

Legal and ethical considerations in drone activism.

4. Corporate Accountability

Campaigns Against Fossil Fuels:

Divestment movements targeting fossil fuel companies and financial institutions.

Impact of shareholder activism and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Greenwashing and Accountability:

Challenges in holding corporations accountable for environmental impacts.

Role of investigative journalism and consumer activism in exposing greenwashing practices.

5. Global Movement and Collaboration

Youth-Led Movements:

Influence of youth activists like Greta Thunberg and the Fridays for Future movement.

Youth climate strikes and their impact on global climate policy discussions.

International Solidarity:

Collaborative efforts among global environmental organizations and activists.

United Nations frameworks and international agreements on climate action.

6. Challenges and Controversies

Legal and Ethical Boundaries:

Debate over the limits of civil disobedience and disruptive tactics.

Balancing activism with respect for public safety and the rule of law.

Opposition and Backlash:

Responses from governments, industries, and communities opposed to disruptive activism.

Strategies for overcoming resistance and building broad-based support.

7. Impact on Policy and Public Perception

Policy Reforms:

Legislative changes influenced by environmental activism.

Adoption of sustainable practices and renewable energy policies.

Shifting Public Discourse:

Changes in public attitudes towards environmental issues and activism.

Role of media coverage and public opinion in shaping policy agendas.

8. Future Directions

Emerging Issues:

Future trends in disruptive environmental activism (e.g., climate justice, biodiversity protection).

Potential impact of emerging technologies and innovative tactics.

9. Conclusion

Summary of the transformative role of disruptive environmental activism.

Call to action: the ongoing need for bold, innovative strategies to address global environmental challenges.

Meet the Author

Wun Nam

Blogger and reporter

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