
September 8th , 2024



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Google can be very helpful, except when you can't unsee the results. These are a few things that you probably should not search for


Except when you can't hide the results, Google can be a great resource. Here are a few items that you should probably avoid looking up


Things you should never Google [Getty Images]

It is officially the age of the internet. Well, it has been for years now and almost every information you need is just a click away.

Google has been really helpful in this regard. But then, there are some searches that can lead to distressing or harmful content.

While curiosity is a natural human trait, it's important to exercise caution when typing into the search button.

Here are some things you should avoid "Googling"


Things you ought not to search on Google [Photo courtesy of Getty Images] Officially, the internet era has begun. Since years ago, practically all the information you require is available with a single click. In this context, Google has been incredibly useful. However, certain searches may result in upsetting or dangerous material. Although people are naturally curious, you should use caution when entering search terms into the search bar. It is advisable to refrain from "Googling" the following


The most important thing you definitely shouldn't Google should be your symptoms. Are you feeling a certain type of way? Do not head over to Google to find out what could possibly be wrong. Searching for symptoms online can lead to undue anxiety.

Known as "cyberchondria," this phenomenon often results in convincing yourself that you have a rare or severe disease based on common symptoms. Instead, consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

Sometimes, a person gets curious about moth larvae and then tries to look it up. But then, there is sometimes the mistake of typing "mouth larvae" instead and clicking on the search button


Your symptoms are the most crucial thing that you should never, ever Google. Do you have any particular feelings? Refrain from using Google to investigate potential issues. Online symptom searches can cause excessive anxiety. This tendency, called "cyberchondria," frequently leads to you believing, based on typical symptoms, that you have an unusual or serious illness. For any medical problems, instead get advice from a medical expert. Occasionally, someone will become interested in moth larvae and attempt to research it. However, occasionally people make the error of putting "mouth larvae" instead of the correct word and then pressing the search button


If you do this, instead of pictures of household pests, you'll find pictures of humans and other animals with larvae crawling between their teeth. These pictures could scar some people for life and you can't un-see them.

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Adwoa Frimpomaa


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