6 months ago
As the leaders around the world continue calling on
the citizens to exercise their franchise in the upcoming election, the former
head of state of the United States of America, Barack Obama also appealed to
his followers on Twitter to go and check their voter registration status. His
tweet read:
"Don’t wait – check your state's voter registration deadline today and
make sure you're registered and ready to vote. And then share this with your
friends and family so everyone's ready to vote early or by Election Day. VoteSaveAmerica.com"
The tweet started trending in minutes with people sending responses to the post containing valuable information and reminders on about the voting rules. It included guidelines for young voters, warnings on mail voting and remind on no voting for non-citizens that has sparked adverts.
Michael VanDeMar (@mvandemar) pointed at quite a simple rule explaining the phenomenon many people disregard:
"Also, remember: 17-year-olds can still register to vote as long as
they will be 18 by November 5!"
This information is of importance to all the first time voters especially young
Americans who have not still had their say on the kind of leadership they want.
Some of the teen might not know they can go ahead and register even without
attaining 18 years if they will be of voting age come Election Day.
Another user, ProofOrGTFO (@Proof0rGtfo), left good and practical advice for people focused on the voting process, as well as the ability to vote as early as possible so as not to face any difficulties based on the incident at the polls:
early if possible. This is to make sure if there are any issues on election day
at the polling places, your early vote won’t be impacted."
He also added a strong caution for those voting by mail you will be unable to
vote for your preferred candidate if you stick to mail in voting:
"If you vote by mail, please DO NOT use the Post Office to mail in
your vote. Please drop your ballot off at official ballot boxes (preferably
ones that are manned). This is so the chain of custody is not broken."
During an election year, where the slightest vote difference can make a big
difference it is important to ensure that the ballots reach their destinations
On the same day, kgs629 (@kgs629) pumped some facts about voters’ eligibility into the wind:
"And remember, you must be a US Citizen to vote in the federal
elections or face fines or up to one year in prison. Falsely claiming U.S.
citizenship for the purpose of registering to vote can also result in
deportation or denial of future immigration status."
This is something that should be noted especially for the immigrants who may be
in doubt regarding their rights, as well as the repercussions of any misrepresentation
especially in federal elections.
Barack Obama’s tweet and the dizzying amount of data serve to emphasize that one has to be ready for Election Day. Tweeters’ knowledge cumulatively has resonated with Obama’s rhetoric to vote and be ready by repeating aspects like voter registration deadline to ballot security.
So, no matter if you voted for the first time in your life, voted early, or voted by mail, you should be prepared to fully engage into one of the most significant aspects of democratic process – voting!
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