
September 19th , 2024



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2 days ago

The entertainment industry in Ghana is grappling with the loss of one of its veterans in Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis whose death was announced at the weekend, Saturday, 14 September, 2024. The talented actor Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis died of an unknown disease; the actor leaves behind several amazing performances that he offered and his input into the development of arts.

Death announcement was made by Akunu Dake, the Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Development via his Facebook page. Dake, who had a longstanding friendship and working relationship with Jackson-Davis, expressed deep sorrow: ‘This is very difficult for me. Rest in peace my good friend and colleague Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis. Able Deputy Executive Director during our PANAFEST years in the 1990s. ’ His post has brought out a lot of emotions from his followers, fellow artists and people he has worked with who was overwhelmed by his talent and humility.

Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis was renowned for playing the roles of the upper class in many well acclaimed Ghanaian flicks such as Heritage Africa, the dramatic movie The Storm and finally the entertaining My Very Ghanaian Wedding. Owing to his versatility of depicting well-off characters effortlessly, Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis was well known, but it was his masterly in dialogue modulations and polished demeanor which were exemplary. Be it while reciting a line or being a background substitute, Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis brought a demeanor both glamour and authenticity in his characters which gave him respect and admiration from co-workers and competitors alike.

Some remember this man as a talented singer and actor though many know him for his administrative prowess. Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis was a Director of PANAFEST, the Pan-African Historical Theatre Festival during the ninetieth involved greatly in the cultural development of Ghana.

Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis’s death is the closure of an era for the Ghanaian cinema but his fruitful work will remain inspiring generations of actors and directors. May you RIP Albert Odartei Jackson-Davis; you are a legend in Ghanaian Film and an undisputed actor.


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Daniel Aryeetey

Information Professional

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