
September 27th , 2024



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It seems there is no penalty awarded in today's game, and the decision not to give Rodrigo the "Best Player of the Match" title is highly questionable. I can't help but feel that there's an underlying agenda, perhaps a larger campaign that's being orchestrated to favor certain players, specifically Kylian Mbappe. The situation has reached a point where it's almost embarrassing to witness how blatantly certain figures are being favored in the football world.

To start with, Rodrigo had a spectacular game today. His movements, playmaking, and overall contribution to his team's performance were nothing short of exceptional. Whether it was his ability to break through defenses or his composure in high-pressure situations, he truly embodied the spirit of a top-tier footballer. However, despite his outstanding efforts, he was overlooked for the "Best Player of the Match" award. This decision raises eyebrows, particularly when we examine the broader landscape of the football world and the players who often seem to be in the spotlight.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that football, like many other sports, has its share of politics. It's no longer just about raw talent or performance on the pitch; there's a growing trend of promoting certain players more than others, regardless of their actual contributions during a match. Kylian Mbappe, for instance, is a phenomenal player—there's no denying that. His skills, speed, and footballing intelligence have made him one of the brightest stars in the sport. But the constant attention and accolades he receives, even when other players arguably deserve recognition, suggest that there’s more at play here than just merit.

In today's match, for instance, Mbappe's performance, while decent, did not outshine that of Rodrigo. However, the focus on Mbappe has become so overwhelming that it almost feels as if the football authorities and media are intent on ensuring he stays in the limelight at all times. Whether it's for marketing purposes or building a certain narrative around him, it’s becoming increasingly frustrating to see other deserving players being sidelined.

Rodrigo, on the other hand, continues to prove his worth, match after match. His talent and work ethic are evident, and his impact on games cannot be ignored. But when awards and recognitions are consistently given to players like Mbappe, even in situations where they might not fully deserve them, it sends a message that the sport is being influenced by external factors, possibly those related to sponsorships, marketability, or even future transfer plans.

It's a shame that football, which is supposed to be a sport built on fairness and competition, sometimes succumbs to these external pressures. Fans can see through it, and it’s disheartening to witness such moments where a player who has given his all on the field is not properly acknowledged. The growing sentiment among fans is that certain players, like Rodrigo, are being unfairly treated while others, such as Mbappe, are constantly pushed to the forefront.

The question then arises: why is this happening? What is the ultimate goal of this campaign-like promotion of Mbappe? Is it simply a case of capitalizing on his marketability, or is there a deeper agenda at play? Whatever the reason, it’s clear that decisions like the one made today are not just about what happens on the pitch—they reflect a broader issue within the sport.

In conclusion, while Mbappe remains a phenomenal player, it's disheartening to see that the recognition of others, like Rodrigo, is often overlooked. Football fans deserve to see awards and accolades based on merit, not on narratives that serve a larger agenda. Today’s game, with no penalty and no award for Rodrigo, has once again highlighted this frustrating trend. Fans can only hope that the sport they love will eventually return to a more balanced and fair state where players are acknowledged purely for their contributions on the field.

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Lucky Official

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