
September 27th , 2024


Issaka Abilla

7 hours ago


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7 hours ago

Hon. Abdulai Abanga has proven to be a dedicated and results-oriented Member of Parliament (MP) for the Binduri constituency. In just three months after assuming office, he has made significant strides toward improving the lives of his constituents. His commitment to development is clear in his actions, and the impact of his work is already being felt across the constituency.

One of the most remarkable achievements under his leadership is the acquisition of a drilling rig, which has led to the provision of over 200 operational boreholes in the constituency. Access to clean water has long been a challenge for many communities in Binduri, but through this initiative, Hon. Abanga has significantly alleviated the water scarcity issues. The availability of clean water now contributes to better health and sanitation, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases and improving the overall quality of life for the people.

In addition to improving access to water, Hon. Abanga has also made significant progress in connecting his constituency to the national electricity grid. Currently, an impressive 95% of the communities in Binduri are linked to the national power supply. This development is monumental, as electricity is essential for improving education, healthcare, and business activities in the region. With more homes, schools, and businesses connected to the grid, the residents of Binduri now have the tools to improve their productivity and overall living standards. This connectivity is not only enhancing the quality of life but is also creating new opportunities for economic growth and entrepreneurship.

Another area where Hon. Abanga has made considerable strides is in youth employment. Recognizing the high unemployment rate among the youth in his constituency, he has actively worked to address this issue by facilitating the employment of over 100 young people across various sectors. This includes positions in both public institutions and private companies. By creating job opportunities for the youth, Hon. Abanga is not only reducing the rate of unemployment but also empowering the younger generation to build meaningful careers and contribute to the development of the constituency.

Education is another key area where Hon. Abanga has extended his support. Through his common fund, he has provided financial assistance to over 503 students, enabling them to continue their studies and achieve their academic dreams. Education is a critical pillar for development, and Hon. Abanga’s support ensures that young people in his constituency have the resources they need to access quality education. This initiative is particularly important for families who may otherwise struggle to afford the cost of education. By investing in the education of young people, Hon. Abanga is laying the foundation for a more educated and skilled workforce in the future, which will further accelerate the development of the Binduri constituency.

Hon. Abanga’s efforts go beyond physical infrastructure and service delivery; they are part of a broader vision of transforming Binduri into a hub of growth and opportunity. His leadership is marked by a deep commitment to service and a clear focus on the well-being of the people he represents. Through his various initiatives, Hon. Abanga has demonstrated that he is a man of action, focused on delivering tangible results for his constituents. His work is a testament to the fact that with the right leadership, development is not only possible but achievable.

As Binduri moves forward, it is evident that Hon. Abdulai Abanga is the kind of leader who can drive the constituency toward greater progress. His focus on critical areas such as water, electricity, employment, and education highlights his understanding of the needs of his people and his willingness to address them. With continued support, there is no doubt that Binduri will continue to experience the positive impacts of his leadership.

In light of these achievements, it is clear that voting for Hon. Abdulai Abanga is a vote for progress and development. His track record speaks for itself, and his commitment to improving the lives of the people of Binduri is unwavering. As the constituency looks to the future, it is leaders like Hon. Abanga who will ensure that the people are well-served, and that development continues to flourish.

#BinduriSolidarity #ServiceToThePeople

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Issaka Abilla

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