
September 29th , 2024


Issaka Abilla

4 hours ago


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4 hours ago

Hon. Abdulai Abanga, Member of Parliament for Binduri and Deputy Minister for Local Government, Decentralization, and Rural Development, recently collaborated with the Ghana Digital Centre and the Youth Employment Agency to host a 10-day Digital Skills Training Program aimed at empowering young people in the Binduri constituency. This initiative, which took place over a week and a half, provided 54 youth with critical digital skills that are becoming essential in today’s fast-evolving technology landscape.

The training program, which concluded on Friday, September 28, 2024, focused on equipping participants with a wide range of basic digital competencies. The curriculum was designed to provide practical, hands-on knowledge in several key areas, including Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. These programs are vital for basic office work, data management, and professional communication. In addition, participants were introduced to digital marketing techniques, such as social media marketing, a tool that has become increasingly important for both businesses and individuals looking to expand their reach and impact online. Training in search engine optimization (SEO) was also provided, allowing the youth to understand how to optimize content to be more visible on the internet, driving traffic to websites or social media platforms.

Furthermore, participants were taught how to conduct effective online research, manage emails efficiently, and were introduced to the burgeoning world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). These skills are particularly relevant in a global job market that increasingly demands digital literacy, and they hold the potential to open up new opportunities for the youth of Binduri, both within and outside the community.

At the closing ceremony, Hon. Abanga was represented by several prominent members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Binduri. Mr. Ayaago Samuel, the Constituency Chairman, along with Mr. Adams Hassan, the Constituency Secretary, and Mr. Lucas Akamah, the Youth Organizer, attended the event to show their support. In their remarks, the representatives expressed admiration for the enthusiasm and dedication of the trainees, praising their commitment to completing the intensive program. They urged the youth to put their newly acquired skills into practice in their daily lives and work environments, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning in today’s digital age.

The representatives of Hon. Abanga also reassured the youth that this initiative was only the beginning of many more to come. They emphasized that the MP was fully committed to the development of the Binduri constituency, particularly in creating opportunities for the younger generation. They mentioned that more programs aimed at providing skills development and creating employment opportunities would be rolled out in the future, with the goal of improving the livelihoods of the people in the constituency. The initiative was aligned with the broader vision of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, who has championed the digitization of the economy as a pathway to development.

At the end of the training program, each participant received a certificate of completion, signifying their mastery of the subjects taught. The certificates not only served as proof of their participation but also as an important credential that could be used when seeking employment or pursuing further training in the digital field.

This program stands as a testament to Hon. Abanga’s commitment to fostering the development of the youth in his constituency. Through such initiatives, he aims to bridge the digital divide and ensure that the people of Binduri are not left behind in the ongoing digital transformation sweeping across Ghana and the world. By equipping young people with essential digital skills, Hon. Abanga and his partners are helping to create a future where the youth of Binduri can confidently participate in the digital economy, find gainful employment, and contribute meaningfully to the growth of their community.

In conclusion, the success of the Digital Skills Training Program in Binduri demonstrates the positive impact that well-structured capacity-building initiatives can have on young people. As they move forward, these 54 young men and women now have the skills to explore new career paths, engage in entrepreneurship, and enhance their productivity. With leaders like Hon. Abanga and Dr. Bawumia at the helm, the youth of Binduri can look forward to more opportunities to grow and thrive. The event not only strengthened the bond of solidarity within the community but also showcased the importance of service and empowerment in transforming lives.

#BinduriSolidarity #ServiceToThePeople

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Issaka Abilla

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