
October 2nd , 2024



3 days ago


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▎The Donkey That Spoke

In the Old Testament, there’s a peculiar and humorous story involving a prophet named Balaam and his talking donkey, which can be found in Numbers 22. Balaam was summoned by Balak, the king of Moab, to curse the Israelites who were encamped nearby. Despite being warned by God not to go, Balaam set off on his journey, riding his trusty donkey.

As Balaam rode along, the Lord sent an angel to block the path. However, Balaam was oblivious to the divine intervention. His donkey, on the other hand, saw the angel standing with a drawn sword and promptly refused to move forward. Instead, she turned aside into a field. Frustrated, Balaam began to beat the donkey to get her back on track.

The donkey then squeezed against a wall, crushing Balaam's foot. Again, he struck her. Finally, in a moment of divine humor, God opened the donkey’s mouth, and she asked Balaam, “What have I done to you that you have beaten me these three times?” Imagine the shock on Balaam’s face! Here he was, having a conversation with his donkey. 

Balaam responded as if this was a normal occurrence, explaining that he was angry because she wouldn’t obey him. The absurdity of this situation escalated when the donkey continued to speak, saying, “Am I not your donkey, which you have always ridden? Have I ever treated you this way before?” Balaam had to admit that she hadn’t.

At that moment, God opened Balaam’s eyes, allowing him to see the angel standing in front of them. Realizing he was in the wrong for disregarding God’s warning, Balaam fell prostrate. The angel told him that if it weren’t for the donkey’s intervention, he would have been killed for his disobedience.

This story is often remembered for its humor and absurdity but carries a deeper message about obedience and divine intervention. It serves as a reminder that sometimes the most unexpected sources can convey important lessons. The image of a talking donkey chastising a prophet is both comical and thought-provoking, illustrating how God can use even the simplest creatures to communicate His will.

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