
October 1st , 2024


Daniel Aryeetey

13 hours ago


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13 hours ago

Work is accomplished on a daily basis and that means struggling to make ends meet, unable to gather money to save for the future or to solve an emergent problem. In case you fed up with just surviving, you are not the only one. Fortunately, there are ways how to lock and load and set yourself free and underline some points in your financial life. Here is how to stop living paycheck to paycheck to verify;

1. Track Your Expenses

To get out of that vicious circle one must know where his or her money is going as a first step. A good example is that people are sometimes not fully aware of how much they are spending on eating out, or subscriptions or any random buying spree. It is recommended to use an application for tracking budgets or just an Excel sheet and try to track every last cent spent at least during a month. This will give you an idea of how your money has been spent and where you can reduce on your spending.

2. Create a Budget and Stick to It

After knowing your expenditure properly, make a budget. Check your income – list all possible sources of income, then list your expenses – start by your most critical ones to spending on unnecessary things. Coming up with a definite quantity to use in each category and attempt to spend only that amount. Budgeting is not a prison sentence where one has no fun; it simply implies that you cannot spend your money anyhow you wish.

3. Build an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is the money that makes sure you’re financially okay when everything goes south. This should be done at the very least, though trying to save between three to six months of living costs ought to be the goal. This way, you will not have to use your credit cards or take loans in case of existence of some other exigent circumstances such as car breakdowns or hospital bills.

4. Increase Your Income

However, the greatest method is to find ways of boosting your income, since slashing your expenditures takes only half the task. This is the perfect time to search for side hustles or gigs; freelancing jobs or any part-time employment opportunity that you can take based on your strengths. Or you can negotiate for better wages or try for better paid positions within your profession.

5. Pay Off Debt

It will bind you to the poor cycle the pay check to pay check. Partial paying means coming up with a list of all your debts, credit cards, and loans and then focusing to pay off the ones with the higher interest rates. And when high-interest debt is paid off, then the money can be used to create an emergency fund or an investment.

6. Automate Your Savings

Ease the process of saving through automation of the same. Create an automatic draft to a savings account set up on the same day as your pay check. In this way, you save without the need of much motivation, thinking or planning and yet you save. Convert the desired number into a percentage of your paycheck, let’s say $5 or $10, and then try to grow it as time passes.


To finally extricate ourselves from the paycheck-to-paycheck method, will not be an easy task for it will require the following but it is doable all the same. If you have to track your expenses, adhere to the budget, create an emergency fund, try to get a higher paying job, pay off your loans, and set up for automatic savings, then you’re ahead of the game to financial liberation. Begin here immediately and let your money start making the money for you!

Meet the Author

Daniel Aryeetey

Information Professional

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