
October 5th , 2024


The Boy

6 hours ago


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6 hours ago

It gets tough, it gets hard,

Life can be overwhelming sometimes, I know.

The family pressure and societal burden,

The quest to make it at all costs.

They say one plus one equals two,

But your own one and one seems not to add up.

Difficult situations are not pleasant,

Not desirable moments.

Not something you wish for an enemy,

It's simply not exciting.

Leaving you reciting topics of no relevance,

Casting innuendos, apportioning blame.

Madness and pain, all in one pipeline,

Resulting in possible outbursts and momentary outcries.

It's okay to shed a few tears, here and there,

For clarity's sake, a blabbing moment.

Tears coupled with fears of the unknown,

The future uncertain.

But a new day comes with new hope,

A new beginning, fresh start.

Each day, an opportunity to have a go at life again,

Another day to give it a little more push.

Another day to try again,

Slow motion worthwhile, not no motion.

The mantra: don't give up,

You don't want to be a loser.

Quitters don't win, winners aren't quitters,

Pain will fade, light will shine.

Joy comes in the morning,

Light at the end of the tunnel.

Strap your seatbelt in life's rollercoaster,

Live within the moment, make good memories.

Hold on to them in lone moments,

Don't forget to smile, you've got this.

And when darkness surrounds,

Hold on to hope, don't let go.

For every night ends with dawn,

A new chance to rise, to grow.

Your strength will rise, your voice will shine,

Your story will inspire, your heart will align.

Keep moving forward, don't lose sight,

Your outrageous life will become a beacon of light.

You are a warrior, a survivor, a star,

Shining bright, near and far.

Your journey is unique, valuable, and rare,

Embrace it, and show the world you care.

Through every storm, you'll find a way,

To rise above, to seize the day.

Your outrageous life will be a tale,

Of triumph, resilience, and prevailing.

With each step forward, you'll find your voice,

Your courage, your heart, your inner choice.

To live, to thrive, to make a mark,

To leave a legacy, a shining spark.

Keep pushing, keep striving, keep shining,

Your outrageous life will be divine.

And when the world asks how you made it through,

You'll smile and say, "I made it, anew."

Meet the Author

The Boy


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