
October 6th , 2024


The Boy

23 hours ago


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23 hours ago


A fiction, or no fiction, no doubt,

A soul runs through the dark, oil all about.

All spilled on the floor, a desperate pace,

Seeking refuge from the darkest place.

Strange things collapse, in troubled sight,

One van, oil leaking, a haunting plight.

"That can't be my sinful act," echoes through,

"Through art, must be correct attitude, not a sinful guise."

But venom whispers, "You're lost, you're doomed,"

A deadly refrain, in the darkest room.

"Your art's a curse, your soul's astray,"

The whisper hisses, night and day.

Then, like a beacon, shining bright,

The Eye Van appears, a wondrous sight.

Mysteriously, Ivan is here with a heavenly glow,

Guiding the soul, through the darkest woe.

Its headlights shine, like radiant beams,

Illuminating the path, to freedom's dreams.

The venom weakens, its hold now breaks,

As solace is found, in sacred shakes.

The Eye Van's engine purrs, a soothing sound,

As the soul steps in, and finds solid ground.

A sanctuary from the darkest night,

Where love and hope, shine with all their might.

The Liberators' Family, with open hearts,

Stands ready to lift, and never depart.

Their love and care, a guiding light,

Lead through the dark, to a brighter sight.

With one accord, they join as one,

To lift the fallen, until the battle's won.

Their promise keeps, their love sustains,

And freedom's found, in the Eye Van's refrains.

Through winding roads, and darkest bends,

The Eye Van navigates, to sacred ends.

A journey of hope, through troubled lands,

To the promised land, where love expands.

Getting to the end, of the darkest night,

The Liberators' Family shines, with all their might.

A celestial choir, echoes in harmony,

Welcoming the free, to eternity.

In triumphant glory, the soul stands tall,

Forever free, in the Lord's radiant hall.

The Eye Van's rescue, a celestial song,

Echoes eternity, where love is strong.

With every mile, the venom fades,

As the Eye Van carries, to sacred shades.

A haven of peace, where love resides,

The soul finds solace, and heart's pride.

The Liberators' Family cheers, with joyous sound,The Teens are Aloud

As the soul arrives, on holy ground.

Their love and care, a guiding light,

Lead to the throne, where love shines bright.

In heavenly glory, the soul takes flight,

Forever free, in the Lord's radiant light.

The Eye Van's rescue, a celestial tale,

Echoes eternity, where love never fails.

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The Boy


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