
October 9th , 2024


Kwame Fosu

19 hours ago


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19 hours ago

Martin Kwaku Ayisi (left), President, Minerals Commission, clarifying a point for the Confirmation Panel of Parliament. With him is Joseph Kwaku Nayan, Vice president Boss, Backing Administrations, Minerals Commission. Picture: ELVIS NII NOI DOWUONA

The most effective way to manage the unlawful mining problem in the nation is for the public authority to commit more assets to the Ghana Geographical Review Authority (GGSA) to complete a forceful investigation for gold-rich grounds and apportion them to limited-scope excavators," the CEO (President) of the Minerals Commission, Martin Ayisi, has recommended.

Mr. Ayisi focused on that to guarantee extremist investigation and shutting out from the mineable grounds in the 13 gold-rich districts. Prepared geologists enlisted with the Minerals Commission and other scholastic foundations should be welcomed on board to help the exploratory exercises.

He said the disappointment of progressive states to put resources into the investigation and shutting out from mineable terrains for limited scope diggers as suggested by the World Bank a long time back was the most despicable aspect of the limited scale mining (SSM) area. "The focal justification behind the galamsky peril is the mistake in getting a spot for the earthmovers to work.

Until we burn through cash to do an investigation for gold by resourcing the GGSA, we are staying put; we will keep on going round around and around," he focused. The Minerals Commission President expressed this when he showed up before the Public Authority Confirmation Panel of Parliament in Accra yesterday.

He stressed that while there were elevated calls by numerous Ghanaians to boycott all types of limited scope mining as an action to manage galamsey, taking such an action would be an automatic response as "the vast majority of the arrangement lies in geographical investigation for mineable regions."

Procedures The procedures were promoted to begin at 10 a.m.; however, as of 10:46 a.m., just the Director of the Advisory Group, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, was in his seat. Neither the panel individuals nor authorities of the Minerals Commission, who should show up before the parliamentary body, were available.

The sitting ultimately started at 11:20 a.m. with the Individuals from Parliament (MPs) for Talensi, Benson Tongo Baba; Akwatia, Henry Nana Boakye; Sawla-Fish Kalba, Andrew Dari Chiwitey, all individuals from the council; and Rockson Nelson Dafeamekpor, a companion of the board of trustees, present.

Mr. Ayisi showed up before the board with the Delegate Chief of the Minerals Commission responsible for Help Administrations, Joseph Kwaku Nayan.

More ventures Mr. Ayisi said albeit the public authority had delivered assets for exploratory exercises in two pilot regions, there was the need to increase it so more concessions could be made accessible for diggers. He said more geologists should have been enrolled to amplify the human asset needs of the GGSA to do the investigation.

"The GGSA has the stuff to do the investigation in the event that there is sufficient cash to do as such. Notwithstanding, we really want brief activity, so all suitable choices for investigation exercises ought to be welcomed ready," he said. The Minerals Commission President said as of now, there were four different ways through which concessions were gotten for limited scope excavators:

enormous scope organizations surrendering some portion of their concessions; reclaiming individuals whose licenses have been dropped; elements giving investigated regions back to government since it isn't huge enough for them; and diggers bringing their directions for permits.

Restriction on limited scope mining Mr. Ayisi said an altogether restriction on limited scope mining as had been proposed wouldn't simply be unreasonable to people who were mining legitimately in the area, yet would likewise risk the livelihoods of north of 3,000,000 individuals.

He focused on that to the degree that a few limited-scope excavators were participating in underground mining and other dependable practices; it was simply legitimate to permit them to mine while steps were brought to clamp down on the unlawful administrators.

Addressing the worries about the consistent issuance of permits regardless of the public clamor over galamsey, the President said any endeavor to quit giving the permits would disturb what is happening since it would offer an elbowroom for unlawful excavators to attack lawful concessions.

He added that there was a thorough permitting system for mining, remembering for woodland holds. He focused on that for mining to occur in a woodland reserve, the licensee expected to hold a sanctioned mining lease and furthermore procure timberland passage and ecological security grants.

"In the event that a Ranger Service Commission official cases that they can't stop individuals who hold mining privileges to woods saves, they are bombing us. Assuming individuals hold such rents, they should be sanctioned; they ought to have woodland section and EPA grants and different prerequisites.

Anyone who lacks these will mine illicitly," he said. Concerning was being finished to clasp down on galamsey, he said the Minerals Commission must be considered answerable for unlawful mining in the event that individuals didn't satisfy the prerequisites of their mining leases yet not preventing individuals from mining in woods holds and water bodies. The Minerals Commission President focused on the fact the fact that there were state security organizations and different establishments whose obligation it was to remove unlawful diggers from water bodies and backwoods holds.

Brief activity As far as it matters for him, Mr. Ablakwa said the degree to which the climate had been debased by galamsey administrators, prompting the contamination of water bodies, didn't uphold the legitimization by Mr. Ayisi for SSM to be permitted to work.

He showed tests drawn from intensely contaminated streams the nation over and focused on that an extreme methodology was expected to end the natural wrongdoings.

Every one of the waterways has been dirtied, with the exception of the Volta Stream, and it is inevitable that the Volta Stream gets contaminated. "Galamsey influences us all; we eat food, we hydrate, we eat fish, and we don't have a clue about the wellspring of these; we are all in danger," he pushed.

Addressing the persistent conceding of licenses for limited scope mining, Mr. Ablakwa said the occupations of 3,000,000 individuals couldn't be focused on over a whole nation of in excess of 33 million individuals.

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Kwame Fosu


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