
October 9th , 2024



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21 hours ago

Pastor Mensah Otabil,  the founder and president of ICGC World Wide provocative statement on God's role in leadership selection has sparked intense debate among scholars, theologians, and laypeople. He emphasized:

"I know many times when it comes to praying for Ghana, people are wondering and praying for elections, or they pray that Lord give us good leaders. Election is elections and for your information I don't believe God chooses presidents for countries."

He further stressed: "If God is the one choosing the leaders for this Continent (Africa at large) then God is mistaken. He's not invited in that business. We are not Israel, we are Ghana. We are a non-covenanted nation."

This assertion raises fundamental questions about the intersection of divine sovereignty and human agency in leadership selection. The question then is, does God still select leaders like the days of the isrelaites? 

The Biblical Narrative

The Bible presents a multifaceted portrayal of divine sovereignty and human responsibility. On one hand, Scripture affirms God's omnipotence in establishing and removing leaders (Daniel 4:32, 1 Samuel 2:6-8). Conversely, Proverbs 29:2 and Deuteronomy 1:13 emphasize the significance of human discernment in leadership selection.

Pastor Otabil's Perspective

Pastor Otabil's statement appears to juxtapose divine sovereignty with human agency. He suggests that God's will is not explicitly manifest in leadership selection, instead allowing human decisions to shape national trajectories. This perspective resonates with biblical teachings on free will and accountability (Proverbs 21:1, 2 Corinthians 5:10).

Implications for Christian Responsibility

The implications of Pastor Otabil's assertion for Christian responsibility are profound:

1. Intercessory prayer for leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

2. Wise citizenship, recognizing responsibility to elect leaders that have the ability to transform the lives of the people in the country 

3. Seeking divine guidance in leadership roles (James 1:5)


The intricate dance between divine sovereignty and human agency remains a profound mystery. Pastor Otabil's statement serves as a catalyst for introspection, urging Christians to navigate this complex tension with prayerful discernment.

Meet the Author

Benjamin Acheampong


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