
October 9th , 2024


Halima Baidoo

4 hours ago


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4 hours ago

Gary Nimako Rebukes Owusu-Bempah: Cease Public Outbursts, Harmful to NPP

Gary Nimako, a stalwart of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has publicly admonished Rev. Isaac Owusu-Bempah to refrain from making divisive comments. Nimako's stern warning comes after Owusu-Bempah's recent public outbursts, which have sparked controversy within the party.

_Concerns Over Owusu-Bempah's Comments_

Rev. Owusu-Bempah, a prominent NPP supporter and founder of Glorious Word Power Ministries International, has been criticized for his inflammatory statements. These comments have created tension within the party, with many members expressing concern over the potential harm to the NPP's image.

_Harmful Consequences_

Nimako emphasized that Owusu-Bempah's outbursts could have detrimental consequences for the party, particularly in the lead-up to elections. He urged Owusu-Bempah to consider the impact of his words on party unity and the broader Ghanaian public.

_NPP's Internal Dynamics_

The NPP has faced internal challenges in recent times, with factions within the party holding differing views. Nimako's statement serves as a call to action, encouraging party members to prioritize unity and refrain from divisive rhetoric.

_Call for Disciplined Communication_

Nimako's plea underscores the need for disciplined communication within the NPP. He emphasized that party members should channel their concerns and opinions through internal structures, rather than resorting to public outbursts.

_Way Forward_

To maintain party cohesion and advance its agenda, the NPP must:

- _Foster internal dialogue_: Encourage open communication among members to address grievances.

- _Promote party discipline_: Ensure members adhere to a code of conduct, refraining from harmful public comments.

- _Unite behind shared goals_: Focus on the party's core objectives, setting aside individual differences.

By heeding Nimako's warning, Owusu-Bempah and other NPP members can contribute to a more harmonious and effective party. As Ghana navigates its socio-political landscape, the NPP's unity and discipline will be crucial in shaping the country's future.

_Key Quotes_

- "We don't need these public outbursts; they harm the party." - Gary Nimako

- "Party members should prioritize unity and refrain from divisive comments." - Gary Nimako

The rebuke from Nimako serves as a timely reminder of the importance of party cohesion and responsible communication. As the NPP seeks to maintain its relevance in Ghanaian politics, its members must navigate internal dynamics with care, ensuring their actions promote the party's greater good.

Meet the Author

Halima Baidoo

Content writer

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